The Fresh Prince of Downton Abbey

Daily, I take a brief moment to thank whomever I can that there are extremely creative people on the planet with an incredible amount of time on their hands. First their was Jimmy Fallon and Downton Sixbey, then, there was Downton Arbys. Now….

For those that have spent an agonizing last couple of years marveling at the sudden ascent of Matthew Crawley to the prime position of heir to Downton Abbey and then wondered out loud, “why, that’s a similar story to ‘The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air’!“, you have the brilliant minds over at to thank for putting your thoughts to tape.

Just think WIll Smith does Matthew Crawley with the opening line of….”Now this is a story all about how my life got flipped, turned upstairs-down. So if you’ll come around for tea and just sit right there, I’ll tell you all about how I became Lord Grantham’s heir.” and you have the beginning or more Downton Abbey spoof genius.

On the outside chance you’re the one that doesn’t remember the original opening sequence of the 1990’s sitcom, The Fresh Prince of Bel Air…enjoy. And, remember, every day that passes is one day closer to the premiere of series 3 of the real Downton Abbey.

In: Comedy