You know you're a British comedy fan if….

Longtime British comedy fan and faithful tellyspotting reader, Lisa Cox, has compiled a brilliant list that leaves the likes of Jeff Foxworthy in the rearview mirror not knowing what hit him. No matter what corner of the globe you find yourself in, I’m banking on the fact that you are a big British comedy fan and you recognize it as the best comedy television on television.

How many of these below can you identify with and can you name who said it and what show? I’ll leave this open through the remainder of July. The one with the most right answers as of July 31 will win an appropriate to the contest as-yet-to-be-determined fabulous prize. E-mail responses to As The Great One says, you can score if you don’t shoot.

  • You see a chocolate fountain and want to take a to-the-shoulders dive into it
  • You get hungry for a custard tart in times of stress
  • You start referring to bugs as “creepy crawlies”
  • You think purple is a perfectly fine hair color
  • You remember to stack the dishwasher from the back
  • You hog the chocolate Hob Nobs
  • You make visitors to your home take off their shoes and remind them to not brush against your walls
  • You go ahead and eat the chips that fall down into your shirt
  • You see Brussels sprouts and want to have a sprout-eating contest
  • You describe snacks as “light refreshments”
  • You spend the equivalent of 15 pence on Christmas
  • You wear your hair in brush rollers outside the house
  • You say “I’m free” when someone asks if you’re busy and you’re not
  • You change from pajamas to clothes while driving to the dentist
  • You beat your car with a tree branch when it breaks down
  • You sweep the steps every morning
  • You take imaginary vacations with film stars
  • You are always “unanimous in that”
  • You answer any question with a sentence beginning “No, no, no, no . . . .”
  • Remember, the most right answers as of July 31 will win an appropriate to the contest as-yet-to-be-determined fabulous prize. E-mail your responses to asap. Winner will be determined by drawing if more than one entry has the most number of correct answers. Did I happen to mention the winner will be receiving a fabulous prize?

    Finally, I would love to hear some of your own reasons that you know you’re a Britcom fan….feel free to comment and share with everyone.


    In: Comedy,Odds & Sods