Security beefed up for London 2012

The trumpet is sounding high on the hill, although it’s not saying Time for Teletubbies, Time for Teletubbies this time around. It is time, however, for the London 2012 Olympics which are set to kick off with the opening ceremonies on Friday, 27, July. As happens every Olympics, no matter what the locale, there are the predictable horror stories from residents that are suddenly plunged into a 3-week world of heightened security, hoards of visitors from around the world invading your space, endless traffic woes and an all-around interruption of life as they know it.

With all the recent back and forth concerns about the possibility of surface-to-air missiles stationed on the rooftops of an apartment block in east London as part of Britain’s air defenses for the Olympics, leave it to those creative telly lots to come up with a much more viable and much less expensive alternative. And, much more menacing, I might add, but we need a few Weeping Angels too.

In: Locations,Odds & Sods