Syfy targets Blake's 7 for next American re-make effort

Thankfully, if I get a bit discouraged at the thought of yet another British telly classic getting an American re-boot, I’ll have plenty of company this time around. The news that Terry Nation’s brilliant sci-fi drama Blake’s 7 will get a 21st century update courtesy of American cable outlet, Syfy, has not set well with fans of the original late-70’s science fiction series.

However it plays out, good or bad, Blake’s 7, once described by Nation as “the Dirty Dozen in space”, will be in good company. Those that cringe at the thought of an American re-make need only point to the dreadful AMC update of perhaps the best piece of television of all-time, The Prisoner. Those willing to give the new Blake’s 7 a chance have visions of another Battlestar Galactica dancing in their heads. You know which side I’m on as my American re-boot streets are littered with not only thoughts of The Prisoner, but Being Human and Top Gear also.

That said, it appears that Syfy is making every attempt to get it right this time around by securing the services of Casino Royale director Martin Campbell and Heroes screenwriter Joe Pokaski for the pilot episode.

One has to wonder what creator/writer, Terry Nation, the man who also created the greatest and most-feared enemy of the Traveling Time Lord, the Dalek, would think of this attempt…Me? I’ll take the 70’s classic anytime, wobbly sets and all. You?

In: Action/Drama,Actors/Actresses