It's a Pond Life after all….it's a Pond Life after all…

Pond Life, yet more BBC promotional brilliance that leads up to tomorrow’s long-awaited premiere on BBC One and BBC America of Doctor Who 7.1 follows the nothing to write home about home life of the soon to be departing companions, Amy and Rory Pond (Karen Gillan, Arthur Darvill). Premiering this past Monday, it has been met with mixed reviews but, essentially, this 5-part online only mini-adventure is just a bit of comic fun from Chris Chibnall (Doctor Who, Torchwood, Law & Order UK) providing a perfect send up to the series premiere on Saturday evening so there’s no need to get all worked up about this. Just enjoy and wait for Saturday.

Pond Life, part 1:The Doctor checks in

Pond Life, part 2: The Doctor warns of impending doom

Pond Life, part 3: Guess Ood’s coming to dinner?

Pond Life, part 4: Amy and Rory get a new butler

Pond Life, part 5: The Doctor arrives but where are Amy and Rory?

That should give you enough to do prior to Saturday nights series premiere.

In: Action/Drama,Actors/Actresses