Amy & Rory are gone, but The Doctor will return – Christmas 2012


For those that made it through the Fall season finale of Doctor Who before they ran out of tissue, the irrevocable departure of Amy & Rory Pond, the longest-serving companions of the new Doctor Who era, Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill, was every bit the tearful goodbye that has been promised since day one. Say what you will about whether or not Amy & Rory were your favorite companions, their departure ranked right up there to where you almost wished they would live to see another adventure with the Doctor. And, the Weeping Angels certainly lived up to their description of being ‘the only psychopaths in the universe to kill you nicely’, allowing the Ponds to live out their lives in the past somewhere rather than no longer existing. Aren’t they nice….

Photograph: BBC/Adrian Rogers

Interestingly, Steven Moffat faced a unique difficulty that no other Doctor Who series showrunner has had to confront — that of how to handle the fact that companions usually just go back to their normal lives – but Amy & Rory had already done that. During the last series, in “The God Complex”, The Doctor had decided that his life was too dangerous and he’d put them through enough. He deposited them in suburbia, and has been dropping by at intervals ever since. Why irrevocable? Well, it seemed pretty clear that to go back to 1930’s Manhattan and get Amy and Rory wasn’t possible as their departure was a fixed event in time. Even the Time Lord can’t create the proverbial temporal paradox without ripping New York apart and eliminate his ability to time travel to save Amy and Rory…well, you get the idea.

Wipe those tears away, little camper. Amy and Rory may be gone, but the Doctor will return just in time for Christmas with a new companion, Jenna-Louise Coleman and new adventures. What did everyone think of the departure of Amy & Rory?

In: Action/Drama,Actors/Actresses