Christmas comes early, yet again, for fans of Doctor Who

While it is usually the evil “Black Friday” retailers that will forever shower you with the thought that it’s never to early to think about Christmas, true believers (you know who you are) know full well that it’s time to think about Christmas when the prequel for the annual Doctor Who Christmas Special appears during the BBC’s Children in Need broadcast.

Doctor Who “The Snowman” prequel – Christmas 2012

As it has been from the beginning with Sherlock, Steven Moffat’s other bit of brilliance, the Doctor Who showrunner brings to the table the thoughts and passion of the uber-fan. “The Doctor at Christmas is one of my favourite things – but this year it’s different,” said the writer shortly after the release of a prequel mini-episode for the upcoming Christmas Day special, ‘The Snowmen’. Different in the sense that the Time Lord is not going to be full of happy-time festive cheer this Christmas.

He’s lost Amy and Rory to the Weeping Angels, and he’s not in a good place: in fact, he’s Scrooge. He’s withdrawn from the world and no longer cares what happens to it. So when all of humanity hangs in the balance, can anyone persuade a tired and heartbroken Doctor that it’s time to return to the good fight? Enter Jenna-Louise Coleman…“. Moffat want on to explain that this years special will see the introduction of a new monster that “will have families shivering behind the sofa”. Somehow, after hearing Moffat’s comments, all I could think of was the infamous line from the film, Jerry MacGuire, “…You had me at hello“.

If this isn’t enough, this year’s episode will feature The Doctor and his new companion, Clara (Coleman), doing battle with the villainous Doctor Simeon (the great, Richard E Grant) and his army of evil snowmen. The Traveling Time Lord couldn’t have said it any better during Friday night’s Children in Need broadcast when he said, “I hope everyone enjoys it!“.

Doctor Who “The Snowman” trailer – Christmas 2012

In: Action/Drama,Actors/Actresses