Doctor Who in 5 languages and the 50th Symphonic Spectacular at BBC Showcase 2013

As most of you know, Tellyspotting is in Liverpool this week attending the BBC Worldwide Showcase 2013. Having attended this screening showcase for 20 years now, this is the premiere telly event known to man. Some 800-1000 TV program buyers from around the world have screening access to literally 1000’s of hours of BBC programming from all genres, including comedy, drama, natural history, factual and children’s. This year’s Showcase is celebrating 50 years of Doctor Who, the world’s longest running sci-fi series according to the Guinness Book of Records.

In this clip from series six episode, ‘The Wedding of River Song’, you can see the end result of the annual BBC Showcase as Doctor Who has been sold to over 200 countries.
Doctor Who Symphonic Spectacular

As part of this years Showcase, attendees were treated to a special performance from the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Ben Foster, with Mark Williams (Brian Williams, Rory’s Dad) doing the song introductions for the evening. With a special intro by current Doctor, Matt Smith, the evening also featured a number of monsters/enemies including the Daleks, Cybermen, the Oods, the Silence and a coule of Silurian warriors. Thankfully, no Weeping Angels were to be found.

Video coming soon. Stay tuned….

In: Action/Drama,Music