The Doctor at 50, comparing the First and Eleventh Doctors

One of the bits of brilliance about the Internets is that it gives really creative people blessed with time on their hands the ability to create really great things that have relatively little use beyond the fact that it’s just bloody cool.

With the forthcoming Doctor Who 50th anniversary coming up in the not-too-distant future, it’s the perfect storm for this type of thing. Is the case of this Doctor Who infographic from Direct Select TV, the First and Eleventh Doctors are compared. The most disturbing info on the graphic shows there to still be in excess of 100 episodes ‘lost’ with the BBC adhering to the routine practice of recording over tapes and not saving.

Until the Christmas episode airs in 2013 and the world is introduced to Peter Capaldi as the Twelfth Doctor, William Hartnell, the First Doctor in 1963 when the series premiered, was the oldest Doctor at 55 years of age. At 27, Matt Smith became the youngest when he took on the role of the Eleventh Doctor. At 55, Capaldi will tie Troughton so, hey, it’s almost time to update that infographic when you have free time.

In: Action/Drama,Actors/Actresses,Drama