It's The IT Crowd finale – The Internet is Coming…tonight on Channel 4!

Graham Linehan, the genius behind the likes of The IT Crowd, Black Books, Father Ted and, more recently, Count Arthur Strong has done it again. While the rest of Planet Earth continues to endlessly debate the merits or shortcomings of the series finales of The Sopranos, Dexter and Breaking Bad while speculating on the Spring 2015 finale of Mad Men, Linehan makes it Christmas in September with his gift of an IT Crowd finale for all the world to see….well, the UK world anyway.

Airing tonight at 9:00pm on Channel 4 in the UK, the reputations of Roy, Jen and that of Reynholm Industries are at risk when an incident involving spilt coffee and a homeless person ends up on the internet. While it seems like a lifetime ago since we last trolled the basement of Reynholm Industries, it’s only been three years. Still, Roy, Jen, Moss and, even, Douglas are like family.

While, sadly, I have not seen the ‘finale’ as yet, check out this brilliant non-spoiler review from Den of Geek and then, after tonight, let us know what you think. In the meantime, check out this classic scene from the third season of the series when Jen was introduced to and, subsequently, given the Internet. Lucky girl…

After the show and before you turn your laptop off and back on again, head on over to your favorite tablet device and play the IT Crowd internet game where you can assist Jen, Moss and Roy in protecting Reynholm Industries from all kinds of electronic bad stuff.

In: Actors/Actresses,Comedy