Happy 95th — Dame Patricia Routledge!

One of the few upsides of digging out after another year of semi-living under an ever-present pandemic cloud is the opportunity to send good wishes for a very happy birthday to the brilliant Dame Katherine Patricia Routledge, who turns 95 today. Given Hyacinth would have been appalled at the possibility that I might forget to drop […]

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North Yorkshire — where old phone boxes live out their twilight years!

If you happen to be out and about in North Yorkshire, this might be one of those places you just might have to detour to and stop. Much like the World’s Biggest Ball of Twine (Cawker City, Kansas), the World’s Largest Catsup Bottle (Collinsville, Illinois) and, let’s not forget the six cities that claim the World’s […]

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February 9, 1964 — THE day that changed music forever!

For me, Friday, February 7, 1964 will forever occupy a special place in my music history heart as it marked the first ever television appearance of The Kinks (performing “Long Tall Sally”) as part of the Ready Steady Go series in the UK. For most of the rest of the world, however, the date of February 9, […]

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John Cleese adapts ‘Fawlty Towers’ for London’s West End stage!

Just how does one tinker with perfection? This had to be a question that has run through John Cleese’s mind palace over the years when the annual question would come up as to why there has never been a Fawlty Towers remake. I’m guessing the same with Ricky Gervais when thinking about The Office (even though the American […]

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Benny Hill turns 100!

While, clearly, a majority of my formative years were shaped by the greatness of Monty Python’s Flying Circus, there was a small amount quietly tucked away that I remember was reserved for The Benny Hill Show. On the surface, the slapstick, mime and double entendre sketches were definitely cringe-worthy but there was a underscored brilliance behind […]

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Post Will Shakespeare in ‘Upstart Crow’, ‘Ludwig’ (not Beethoven) up next for David Mitchell

While there is joy in Mudville with the realization that there probably won’t be any additional Upstart Crow greatness from the mind palace of Ben Elton and featuring the brilliant David Mitchell as a young Will Shakespeare, there is news of a new “case-of-the-week crime comedy-drama” from the BBC, Ludwig, starring Mitchell. Mitchell stars as John ‘Ludwig’ Taylor, assuming the […]

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Grab your briefcase and bowler and celebrate The International Day of Silly Walks 2024 in Prague.

A recent study by the BMJ found that a walking style made famous in a sketch by the Monty Python comedy troupe is actually vigorous exercise. Studies published in the annual holiday edition of the British Medical Journal, which traditionally highlights legitimate but offbeat research, indicate that a brief but brisk ‘silly walk’, similar to that made popular by […]

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