More from the Ladies of Letters, pt 3

Yet another note has arrived from the brilliant minds that pen the Ladies of Letters, the ITV series seen on a number of public television stations nationwide (Sundays at 11p on KERA in North Texas). Fortunately, in this last exchange, Lou Wakefield was able to finally remove the pen from Irene’s hand as she explains: […]

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Goodnight, Irene. More from the Ladies behind the letters, pt 2

More of our interview with the ladies behind the letters in Ladies of Letters, the hit ITV series now entering into its’ second season in the UK. We “sat down” through e-mail with the brains behind the pens, Lou Wakefield and Carole Hayman recently. Here, not only do we hear from them, but Irene gets […]

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Exclusive: The Ladies behind "the Letters", pt 1

As the story goes, on July 4, 1985, Irene and Vera were born in a handwritten letter left on a kitchen table in Clapham, south west London… While it would be easy to say the rest is history, it definitely wasn’t easy. What started out as a simple game of written improvisation from the brilliant minds […]

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Class = laughs in British comedy, according to BSA

According to a paper presented yesterday at The British Sociological Association entitled, The Cultural Currency of a ‘Good’ Sense of Humour: British Comedy and New Forms of Distinction, researchers believe that, “social hierarchy holds the key to what Britons find funny, with middle class audiences using their preferences as a form of veiled snobbery”. Class […]

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Happy 80th, Manuel!

OK, officially, Manuel may only be 35 years of age,  but Andrew Sachs, the actor who brilliantly portrayed the most famous waiter from Barcelona turns 80 today, Wednesday, April 7. Best known for his role as the hapless waiter, Manuel, in, perhaps the greatest British comedy of all-time, Fawlty Towers, Sachs has had, and still enjoys, a […]

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Hey, Doctor Who fans – welcome to the 21st Century

Seems a bit ironic that there are some Doctor Who fans out there that need to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st Century. Lighten up folks. Tom Baker is not the Doctor anymore. Seems as though much of the UK is in an uproar this week after the long-awaited premiere this past weekend […]

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Fawlty Towers Revisited?

In an eerily similar occurrence to the original during rehearsals of Fawlty Towers at the King’s Theatre in Gloucester, seems as though after all these years, Basil Fawlty still hasn’t gotten the hang of hitting Manuel on the head with a frying pan without inflicting real pain. According to the particulars during rehearsal at the […]

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Ladies of Letters meet After You've Gone

Two new British comedy series are set to premiere on public television in the coming months. KERA Dallas will begin tonight (Sunday) with Ladies of Letters at 11:00pm and After You’ve Gone at 11:30pm. A quick synopsis and preview of both. Would love to know what you think of them, wherever you are. Ladies of […]

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Old school comedians still rule!

Recently, a poll was conducted in the UK to identify Britain’s all-time favorite comedians. Surprising to some, not surprising to many, was the fact that the old-style comedians topped the poll with 67 year old Billy Connolly heading a list that included Victoria Wood and the late, Tommy Cooper. Perhaps just as surprising was the […]

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