IT Crowd headed for 4th season plus more for 2010…

As a follow-up to a recent post on the in’s and out’s of getting a comedy series commissioned from the BBC, I thought it would be of interest to everyone to see just what’s on the slate for the coming year from an output standpoint. Thanks to our good friends over the The British Comedy […]

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Fawlty Towers "stuff" giveaway

Widely recognized and voted on as the #1 worst hotel on the planet, yet named the #1 television program of all time by the British Film Institute, Fawlty Towers is 30 years old! What better way to mark the anniversary than to painstakingly remaster a new DVD release. Why consider this painstaking? Well, not only […]

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Happy Thanksgiving from Tellyspotting!

Well, it’s not British, but it’s a classic and it has something to do with turkey. If anyone can find the entire clip of this, I’d love to have it. For those of you that remember this, enjoy! For those of you that don’t, you need to find it. That said, we hope everyone has […]

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