Posted November 16, 2014 -
With an Oscar caliber performance just around the corner in which he plays Alan Turing in The Imitation Game, Benedict Cumberbatch is more than just a household name. He’s a fixture. Not only has the star of Sherlock dominated the small screen with award-winning performances in both the BBC/PBS 21st century adaptation of the world’s most famous consulting detective and as a military officer in HBO’s Parade’s End, the big screen (The Hobbit, 12 Years a Slave, War Horse, Tinker Tailor, Star Trek Into Darkness), the stage (Frankenstein) and radio where, for the 70th anniversary of Normandy landings during World War II, he read the original radio bulletins from June 1944 for BBC Radio 4, he has three films coming out between now and the end of the year.
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While it won’t erase the daily reminder that we still have 14 months (plus or minus a few days) until Benedict Cumberbatch returns to the small screen in Sherlock, the recent discovery of a long thought to be lost Sherlock Holmes film will delight even the most casual fan of the world’s most famous consulting detective. The 1916 silent movie about Sherlock Holmes has been discovered by the Cinematheque Francaise, which has joined with the San Francisco Film Festival to create a digital restoration.
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Posted September 25, 2011 -
With news of Steven Moffat’s 2011 Christmas present to Doctor Who fans worldwide lighting up the internet the last several days comes Mark Gatiss’ look ahead to Christmas 2012 and his desire to spread joy around the world with a Sherlock Christmas special. Gatiss recently told the Radio Times: “I love the story, The Blue […]
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Posted November 27, 2009 -
With a scheduled release on Christmas Day, the movie Sherlock Holmes conjures up memories of the definitive Sherlock Holmes for not only fans of public television, but fans of Sherlock Holmes. That would be Jeremy Brett. Sorry, Basil Rathbone fans. Just no comparison. There will be arguments from the camps of Rupert Everett, Peter Cushing, Basil […]
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