We all knew it was only a matter of time before the American re-make Gods rose up and, once again, flexed their collective misguided muscle. Targeting what just may be the only British series left that has, somehow, successfully avoided the dreaded makeover, Friends co-creator Marta Kauffman has signed on to create a U.S. version of the British medical comedy/drama, Doc Martin. […]
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When it was originally announced that Peter Capaldi would become the Twelfth Doctor taking over for Matt Smith in 2014, there were those that raised more than a few eyebrows. Many of those who wondered whether or not this was the right choice only knew Capaldi from his more recent roles in either The Hour […]
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Posted October 16, 2014 -
If David Tennant is the hardest working man in show business, then writer Anthony Horowitz has to be considered the hardest working man in the literary world. Aside from his countless novels written over the years, many will, no doubt, associate Horowitz with his screenwriting telly work on Robin of Sherwood, Agatha Christie’s Poirot and Murder Most Horrid, many of the early episodes of Midsomer Murders, a very well-crafted small-screen mini-series, Collision and, obviously, the creator/writer of Foyle’s War, starring Michael Kitchen and Honeysuckle Weeks.
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The big-screen adaptation of the classic BBC wartime comedy, Dad’s Army, is drawing some of the biggest names (outside of Benedict Cumberbatch) together as they begin to assemble the cast. The feature film treatment of the Jimmy Perry, David Croft iconic British comedy has landed one of the greats with the announcement that Bill Nighy, […]
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Posted September 18, 2014 -
In the beginning, England and Scotland were not only separate, they were frequently at war. Ever since that fateful day in 1707 when the two countries got together and formed a single country, Scotland has been part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain. Today’s referendum vote, which has been in the works for almost two and one-half years, offers Scotland the chance to break free from Great Britain and gain its independence.
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Posted September 16, 2014 -
While the world carefully watches the historic “Yes Scotland” vs. “Better Together” vote this coming Thursday that will determine if Scotland is to remain part of the United Kingdom or become an independent country, there is another extraordinarily critical issue on the table that is just around the corner and, most likely, going virtually unnoticed. The 2016 BBC Charter Renewal is inching ever so close with the ultimate outcome quite possibly in the hands of Ian Fletcher (Hugh Bonneville), the BBC’s Head of Values.
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Unfortunately, this might be as close as you get to an answer. In What We Did On Our Holiday, Doug (David Tennant) and Abi (Rosamund Pike) and their three children travel to the Scottish Highlands for Doug’s father Gordie’s (Billy Connolly) birthday party. It’s soon clear that when it comes to keeping a secret under […]
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Almost completely overlooked amidst all the Doctor Who 50th anniversary hoopla was a brilliant little feature called The Five (ish) Doctors Reboot. The special, which originally aired around the 50th celebration last November, followed Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Doctors Peter Davison, Colin Baker and Sylvester McCoy as they attempted to land a role in the […]
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Shakespeare’s Richard III. Seems like a logical next step after Fargo, right? Not sure Martin Freeman will be pulling much from his performance as Lester Nygaard but he will be following in the footsteps of fellow Sherlock co-star, Benedict Cumberbatch, and head to the Trafalgar Studios in London’s West End beginning this summer to tackle […]
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Benedict Cumberbatch, everyone’s favorite TV Sherlock, will return to the stage in August 2015 to play Hamlet in the play of the same name at London’s Barbican Theatre in the West End. Many will remember that this isn’t Cumberbatch’s first trip to the stage. He previously appeared in the National Theatre production of Frankenstein, directed […]
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