Posted December 13, 2014 -
Time to step aside Disneyland Paris, there’s a new sheriff in town that goes by the name of London Paramount Entertainment Resort. While it’s not quite time to pack your bags for Kent just yet, 2020 is just around the corner. Once you hear about the rides planned for the proposed £2 billion theme park, […]
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Posted December 8, 2014 -
Ranking right up there with the periodic naming of a new Doctor, the annual Christmas Day Doctor Who special is just as eagerly anticipated with fans around the globe desperate for any glimpse (however tiny), storyline leak or video teaser. This year is no exception as we have only been able to discern via a few […]
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Posted November 24, 2014 -
It was 51 years ago Sunday that a time-travelling humanoid alien called The Doctor began exploring the universe in his TARDIS with a pretty simple mission to save civilisations, help ordinary people, and right wrongs. Doctor Who first appeared on BBC1 television at 17:16:20 GMT, eighty seconds after the scheduled program time of 5:15p due […]
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Posted November 23, 2014 -
Posted November 17, 2014 -
The Cybermen have had more upgrades than the iPhone. While the Daleks will forever go down in history as the most iconic and scariest challenge to the Doctor, the Cybermen will, undoubtedly, be the more interesting and most misunderstood. Created by Dr. Kit Pedler, the unofficial scientific advisor to Doctor Who, and Gerry Davis, former Doctor Who script editor, the Cybermen made their first appearance in William Hartnell’s final story, “The Tenth Planet”, in 1966.
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Posted November 9, 2014 -
I know, Halloween is barely in our rear viewer mirror and Thanksgiving is still several weeks away, but it’s time to talk Christmas! Doctor Who Christmas to be exact. While fans who have been following the series closely were privy to the knowledge that Nick Frost would be playing Santa Claus, as it real-life, no […]
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Posted November 3, 2014 -
Now that we finally know the true identity of Missy, we turn our attention to the Daleks. Do we really know who they are? To the casual observer, little is known about the mutated remains of the Kaled people of the planet Skaro. They travel around in tank-like mechanical casings and are a race […]
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Posted November 1, 2014 -
With the recent Death Comes to Pemberley, BBC and PBS viewers were reacquainted with Jane Austen…sort of. Now, going 180 degrees in the opposite direction, comes the latest ‘revisit’ with Pride and Prejudice and Zombies starring Downton Abbey’s Lily James, Doctor Who’s Matt Smith and Game of Thrones’ Lena Headey.
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Posted October 31, 2014 -
Posted October 26, 2014 -
Remember when you HAD to read Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice in high school? I’m guessing a number of you have re-read several times as an adult because you actually WANTED to. Whatever the case, it’s probably been awhile since read it or seen one of the numerous big or small screen adaptations. So, courtesy […]
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