Doctor Who drops TARDIS on Wicked Witch

This just in from Geek Alerts: Gadgets for Geeks. Doctor Who visited Oz? I know. Had no idea. I guess the good thing to come out of all of this is that Dorothy won’t have to worry about a guilty conscience over killing a witch any longer. Finally, the When Worlds Collide: Doctor Who Meets […]

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Christmas Day numbers show Eastenders ⇑ and Downton Abbey ⇓

Downton Abbey may very well be the darling of the 2011 television season on both sides of the pond, but the critically-acclaimed, viewer mega-hit from ITV couldn’t quite muster the audience on Christmas Day, finishing in fourth place against the perennial Christmas ratings winners, Eastenders (BBC), Coronation Street (ITV) and Doctor Who (BBC). Some immediately […]

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A few Boxing Day bits and bobs

Doing a bit of Sherlock work on and around the Internets, post-Downton Abbey Christmas special, post-Doctor Who Christmas genius and post-Eastenders Christmas, one realizes that time does not stop for Boxing Day. Telly fans in the UK have now set their sights on the 1 January premiere of the Steven Moffat, Mark Gatiss brilliant second […]

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Doctor Who – say goodnight, Amy…you too, Rory

Just doing a bit of catch up before the holidays totally engulf everyone, if they haven’t already. Lots of news swirling around the internet as the annual Doctor Who Christmas Special gets ready for transmission on Sunday, 25, December on BBC One. You may have read, maybe not, that Karen Gillian, who plays the current […]

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Christmas comes early with discovery of missing Doctor Who episodes

An early Christmas gift for Doctor Who fans worldwide surfaced this past week as two previously ‘missing’ episodes were returned to the BBC archive having been in the unknowing possession of a film collector, Terry Burnett, who purchased the missing episodes near Southampton in the early 80’s. Found were episode 3 of the William Hartnell […]

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BBC1 vs. ITV1 in Christmas Smackdown 2011

Will 2011 be the year that ITV unseats the 600 pound giant in the room, BBC One, for Christmas Day ratings dominance? Cue Michael Buffer….Let’s get ready to rumble! The infamous long-awaited Christmas Day schedules for both BBC One and ITV1 have been set, sort of, (as of today, anyway) and war has officially been […]

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Dear Santa: One Dalek please, maybe two

Move over, Tickle-me Elmo, there could, someday, be a new Christmas-time, have-to-have, toy sheriff in town. Leave it to BBC R&D to come up with something that takes television to an active level that we’ve never seen before, further connecting television broadcast programming with the home environment. No other word for it. This is just […]

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It's a Doctor Who Christmas – The Doctor, The Widow & the Wardrobe

It’s never too early to begin thinking about the holidays. Unfortunately, with only 35 days to go before Christmas, this now becomes a VERY valid statement no matter where you are. Part of the UK Christmas tradition is to begin to piece together the Christmas Day telly battles and offerings between the BBC, ITV and […]

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