Unfortunately, the whole of the UK seems to be reeling this week with the news that the second series of Sherlock will now not broadcast until early 2012. Well, as a card-carrying member of the U.S. Sherlock support group, welcome. As most of you now know, Sherlock 2 will not air in the U.S. until […]
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As promised, a follow-up to yesterday’s Sherlockology efforts with more Sherlock 2 filming bits and bobs and some great first person narrative from the generous folks over at Cumberbatchweb. As we are constantly in search of anything that will delay us all from seeking out a Sherlock support group, here are some behind-the-scenes photos from the […]
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Lots of news coming out of Los Angeles this past week as the Television Critic’s Association’s Summer Press Tour 2011 is in full swing. For about two solid weeks, broadcast, cable and pubic television trot out the best and the brightest from in front of and behind the camera for programs/series that their respective networks […]
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I’m such a sucker for this type of behind-the-scenes stuff. Even though this was created leading up to the brilliant first season of Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss’ Sherlock, it just amplifies how much I continue to be amazed at the talent surrounding this production both in front of and behind the camera. Hope this […]
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As with any “teaser” clip, no matter the length, it’s always been a fine line between maddening and anticipation. An all-too-short clip that I screened early Thursday, was to give millions of extraordinarily patient fans a first glimpse at what’s next for both the residents and servants of Downton Abbey. At only :12 seconds, it […]
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There are times that you don’t want to pay attention to the man behind the curtain, take a sneak peek underneath the back of the circus tent or spend time of the website, howstuffworks.com. There are times, however, that getting a behind-the-scenes peak at something means the finished product is closer to reality that you think. Such […]
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Attention, Downton Abbey fans. We all know you’re in the midst of a seriously long bout of separation anxiety. You are not alone. Think of you’re fellow television brethren that know quality television when they see it….the Spooks (MI5) fan. It’s been almost a year since Lucas and Harry were on the rooftop (not a spoiler for […]
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Rufus Sewell stars as Aurelio Zen, a Venetian detective who possesses “an unfortunate reputation for honesty“. As you can imagine, this presents a challenge in the somewhat morally complicated world of the Italian police. A doubly hard existence especially when you are in Rome and are Venetian. Based on author Michael Dibdin’s international best-selling Italian detective […]
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With the 53rd annual Primetime Emmy Awards having just been announced in Los Angeles, it’s nice to see so many programs that both you and I have talked about over the past year get the recognition they really deserve. Just a reminder, series 2 of Downton Abbey is set for a January 2012 premiere on […]
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