While most reading this will not remember The Comic Strip Presents… all I can say is that you need a quick brush up on this classic British comedy series and be ready for their triumphant return in the not-too-distant future. Originally, the group was made up of the likes of Adrian Edmondson, Nigel Planer and […]
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A mere 42 years after Robert Graves wrote I, Claudius, the BBC created television greatness with the 1976 classic of the same name, starring the brilliant Derek Jacobi as the Roman Emperor. Graves’ autobiography of the Roman Emperor Claudius, chronicled the history of the Roman Empire from Julius Caesar’s assassination to Caligula’s assassination. The original […]
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Now that a majority of pubic television viewers have experienced the most recent jaw-dropping season ender of a series of Spooks (MI-5), it’s time to set our sights on the upcoming season 10, set to air this Fall in the UK on BBC One and early to mid-2012 on public television stations in the U.S. Initial […]
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Despite the fact that Dr. Lawrence Barnes is not afraid of blood, he doesn’t kick stray dogs and is not even close to being as curmudgeonly as Dr. Martin Ellingham, a.k.a. Doc Martin, “Doc Barnes” is leading a seemingly familiar mid-20th century doctor’s life to his fictional counterpart. Working surgeries between the two fishing villages […]
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With 2012 marking the bicentenary of Charles Dickens’ birth (be easier if someone would just say 200th anniversary), the BBC and PBS’ Masterpiece series have teamed up and commissioned a new adaptation of Dickens’ classic, Great Expectations. According to the BBC, filming will begin in July in London with Ray Winstone (Sexy Beast) starring as […]
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Doesn’t get any better than having a night to celebrate and pay tribute to the best television on television. It’s time again for the BAFTA’s, the British Academy of Film and Television Arts Awards, Sunday, 22 May. This year is does nothing to disprove this theory in that you have several legitimate winners in virtually […]
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Not to worry. You’re not alone after all. And, there’s actually a medical term for what you thought was just a simple case of separation anxiety or withdrawal. You, along with countless others, suffer from Downton Abbey Effect. Symptoms seem to center around a sense of loss or, in some cases, distress that is comparable to […]
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Over the last couple of days, we’ve experienced a phenomenal increase in traffic from around the world. As a matter of fact, Friday, 29 April, was by far the highest traffic day ever since the beginning thanks, in large part, to a couple of minor events going on like the Royal Wedding and the return […]
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Ok, I’m a bit late to the dance, but doesn’t mean the band’s not coming back for another set. Just doing a bit of digging today on the eve of series 9 of MI5 (Spooks), which begins broadcasting on a number of public television stations across the U.S. this week. I had not “officially” heard […]
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