From the Department of When it Rains, it Pours… As if the three forthcoming Shakespeare adaptations under the title The Hollow Crown: The Wars of the Roses couldn’t have gotten any better given the likes of Benedict Cumberbatch, Hugh Bonneville and Sophie Okonedo already signed up to star. Now comes the official announcement that Dame […]
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As Doctor Who showrunner, Steven Moffat, the BBC and fans of the series around the world are seething over the apparent script leak from the forthcoming Peter Capaldi era, comes word that a rough cut of the first episode, “Deep Breath”, has surfaced courtesy of video pirate websites. Since the first five scripts from the […]
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Prior to the third series premiere, Ben Miller decided to vote himself off the Death in Paradise) island. As DI Richard Poole, Miller used his skills as a London Metropolitan Police detective to overcome his obvious distaste for deplorable tropical weather to make the Caribbean island of Saint Marie a safer place. Miller decided it […]
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As if I needed yet another reason to solidify my belief that the UK invented good telly. Put aside Hustle, MI5, Life on Mars, Endeavour and Call the Midwife for a minute and take a look at Line of Duty. The police procedural from BBC2 premiered in 2012 and quickly became the BBC2’s best-performing drama […]
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The greatness of Keeley Hawes (Spooks, Ashes to Ashes, Upstairs Downstairs, Line of Duty) will play Ms Delphox, a powerful out-of-this-world character with a dark secret. Travelling across space and time the Twelfth Doctor (Peter Capaldi) and his companion, Clara Oswald (Jenna Coleman), will come face to face with the mysterious Ms Delphox when they […]
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Posted February 18, 2012 -
As Downton Abbey barrels towards its second series conclusion on Sunday evening in the States, it’s time for the UK to return to 165 Eaton Place with the beginning of the second series of Upstairs Downstairs. (PBS broadcast in the States is, tentatively, Spring 2013.) On all counts it has been a tough year for […]
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It’s been almost a lifetime since a young head parlor maid, Rose Buck (Jean Marsh), put her hand on the bannister at an empty 165 Eaton Place for what, she thought, would be the last time. Little did she know that some 40 years later, she would return full of memories and put her hand […]
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Posted December 24, 2010 -
Scheduled for Boxing Day (26 December) on BBC One, with parts two and three to follow the next two days, UK viewers don’t have long to wait before we return to 165 Eaton Place (U.S. premiere is set for April 10, 2011 on Masterpiece Classic). On the surface, the challenge of bringing back perhaps the […]
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Posted November 28, 2010 -
Good news no matter what side of the pond you find yourself on as we approach the holiday season. No, not talking about the upcoming Doctor Who “A Christmas Carol” special. While I am waiting for that Steven Moffat gem, I’m really looking forward to something much more classic. Television’s most famous address, 165 Eaton Place, opens […]
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Posted November 27, 2010 -
To amplify the point that the Christmas/Boxing Day television schedule war between the BBC and ITV is something akin to Wrestlemania XXVI, one has to look no further than this years schedule plans for both outlets. Even though the BBC is more Hulk Hogan to ITV’s Vince McMahon, both continue to throw the kitchen sink […]
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