PBS style Final Four with Masterpiece Madness

Step aside Virginia Commonwealth. Forget about Butler, Kentucky and Connecticut. Bringing together PBS Masterpiece‘ 40th anniversary season with the 10 April premiere of Upstairs Downstairs, this years true Final Four bracket, PBS-style, pit powerhouses from the East Region (Sleuths, Cops and Justice Seekers), the Midwest Region (Women of Inferior Birth, Lesser Means and the Working […]

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Upstairs Downstairs – the beginning

Belgravia, 10 April: Thankfully, 165 Eaton Place recently took down the “To Let” signage and opened it’s doors once again after some 40 years of being on the market. The BBC signed a long-term lease on the newest incarnation of a television classic with the commissioning of a second series for a late Fall 2011 […]

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BBC Showcase 2011 – Drama in Brighton

It’s the final day of the annual BBC Showcase held in Brighton (for the last time, as it turns out, with Liverpool being next year’s destination) which saw another day packed with screenings the last ‘official presentation’ from the BBC drama department. It’s been a strong year already from an output standpoint as was pointed […]

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BBC Showcase 2011 – Day 2

Fresh with the news that Colin Firth and The King’s Speech will be bringing home the Oscar statue in the 2011 Academy Awards, its day #2 of the 2011 BBC Showcase. Even though we are 6000 miles away from the Oscar red carpet, it was a star-studded evening Sunday night at the BBC Showcase in Brighton. […]

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BBC Showcase 2011 – Day one

Seemed appropriate on ‘Oscar Sunday’, that we begin with greetings from the land of The King’s Speech and Colin Firth. It’s day one at BBC Showcase 2011 in Brighton where we are able to screen literally 1000’s of hours of BBC past, present and future for possible acquisition. It was here, over the years, that […]

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Downton Abbey separation anxiety still? Try Any Human Heart on PBS

For those who find themselves, still, in the throws of Downton Abbey withdrawal and need to know how to pass the time until the doors of 165 Eaton Place are open once again on Sunday, 10 April, PBS and Channel 4 bring you the next stellar addition to Masterpiece‘s 40th anniversary season, Any Human Heart, […]

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165 Eaton Place lease renewed for a second year

It’s only February, but it’s time to circle Fall 2011/Winter 2012 on your calendar for round two of the bout between Downton Abbey and Upstairs Downstairs. We all know the story of the mega-hit from ITV, Downton Abbey. Broadcast last Fall in the UK to record viewer numbers and followed by a US premiere on […]

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Downton Abbey separation anxiety yet?

Downton Abbey has come and gone. Seems like it was just yesterday that Lady Grantham came into our respective lives. It’s ok to feel a bit sad over losing a friend you just made some four weeks ago. Rest assured, she’ll be back, better than ever, before you know it. As we mentioned recently, series […]

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Downton Abbey – Dowager Countess' say the darndest things

Everyone in America seems a bit down today. Some realize that after the Super Bowl next Sunday, the American football season is over until Fall. While some have hope with the knowledge that pitchers and catchers report in a little over two weeks, others realize baseball season is, officially, still two months away. Personally, I’m […]

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