'Doctor Who' parody gold from The Hillywood Show

The genius that is The Hillywood Show has struck again with a brilliant parody of Doctor Who. The comedy sister duo of Hilly & Hannah Hindi specialize in Hollywood movies and pop culture parodies. It would be hard to top their Twilight parody, but they just might have done it with this incredible send up […]

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The ultimate 'Downton Abbey' parody song

As we head into the homestretch for the American broadcast of Downton Abbey (you know, that little show that runs before Sherlock) on PBS, here’s something to ease the pain a bit during the moment you stop to realize there are only 4 more episodes in the 4th series. This bit of greatness from Nick […]

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Downton Abbey 2120

You know you’ve arrived when even one of the following happens: You are the subject of a Saturday Night Live parody sketch You are featured in not only one, but TWO Jimmy Fallon parody sketches You are featured on the front page of The Onion So, imagine the weight that Downton Abbey carries these days […]

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Save Downton Arbys!

For more years than I can remember, PBS has been on the receiving end of their fair share of parodies. Some good, some bad. Some, however, are too good not to share. The brilliant silver lining thing about being the butt of a parody is that you have something worth parodying. Enter Downton Abbey. This […]

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