The Man Who Invented the Daleks – Terry Nation

Maybe you are searching for a little three-day weekend reading as opposed to yesterdays suggestions of some classic British comedy marathon viewing? If so, the book for you has just released this week in the UK. So you can make plans now for a little Labor Day weekend reading, a September 1 release in the […]

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Doctor Who v. Harris Tweed….the horror of it all

Who would have ever bet money that, in the 21st century, there would be an uproar involving the classic 60’s Harris Tweed manufacturer and the longest running science fiction series either side of the pond. If you didn’t, you should have. We all remember the recent resurgence of Harris Tweed when, back in 2009, the […]

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Brighton…Craggy Island. Tedfest V…Brighton. What to do?

Let’s see. It’s February with a forecast of cold, wind and rain. It’s not Boston. Took too long to get there. Must be Brighton. Must be time again for BBC Showcase, the annual gathering in Brighton, UK where we get a chance to screen the entire BBC catalog both past and present to make potential […]

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Monday scattershooting….Paul the alien, Ricky Gervais, Bond23 and more….

Meet Paul, the 21st century E.T., premiering tonight Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, the genius minds behind Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead, star as two sci-fi geeks whose pilgrimage takes them to America’s UFO heartland, where they meet ‘Paul‘, an alien who alters their universe forever. Let’s just say, this isn’t your parents E.T. The film premieres tonight in […]

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Red Dwarf 2012: T minus 344 days and counting….

Yogi Berra was right. It’s deja vu all over again. If you remember, we reported earlier this year with regards to Dave, the perennial home of witty banter in the UK, bravely stepping up to the plate to commission 10 new episodes of the British comedy/sci-fi series, Red Dwarf, with a target launch date of 2011. […]

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Mark Gatiss' The First Men in the Moon

Definitely doesn’t have the name recognition that both War of the Worlds and The Time Machine have, but H.G. Wells’ The First Men in the Moon is still, well, H.G. Wells. With only a single screen adaptation in 1964 to is credit, The First Men in the Moon is getting a great dust off by way of self-proclaimed […]

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BBC Showcase: British comedy, the new Doctor and more

Day one at BBC Showcase has come and gone, but the weather remains in true “Brighton in Winter” fashion. Saw some great programs yesterday including several British comedy series starring a number of familiar faces. One being a series called Big Top, a series about a traveling circus, stars Amanda Holden (Britain’s Got Talent), Tony Robinson […]

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Top-21 scariest moments in Doctor Who history. Got another?

Yes, I know that the Doctor’s birthday has come and gone, but before we blow out all the candles (there are over 400, you know), I thought this piece from SFX Magazine on the 21 scariest moments in the history of Doctor Who would be a great way to blow out the final candle this […]

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