Could the Doctor's first year be his Companion's last?

One can only imagine the rumors that are circulating the globe days prior to the premiere of Doctor Who on Saturday. The ushering in of the Peter Capaldi era has already suffered from script leaks followed by the unfathomable leak of what now seems to be the first three episodes of series 8 on video pirate sites.

Now, just days before the premiere, comes the massively unsubstantiated rumor of the demise of the Doctor’s current companion, Clara Oswald, at series end. According to the Mirror, Jenna-Louise Coleman will vacate her role in a ‘sensational Christmas storyline’. The oft-quoted ‘unnamed source’ told the paper, “The conversations about Jenna’s exit have started, and a plan is in place which is being ironed out. By the time she leaves she will be one of the longest-standing companions ever. She has been absolutely brilliant in the role, but everyone agrees it is a part that should change after a period.

While it’s quite possible that there might just be a bit of Mark Twain (as in, “The report of my death was an exaggeration”) in the Clara Oswald story, the BBC is being understandably quiet on the subject, as is series showrunner Steven Moffat. Quite frankly, rumors of this nature do nothing more than sell papers.

If Jenna-Louise Coleman leaves, it won’t be the first time a companion leaves and definitely won’t be the last. Click here and check out this amazing infographic that was created at the time of the last companion to vacate the TARDIS (Amy Pond) which gives a brilliant history of the Doctor’s companions since the series premiere over a half-century ago.

In: Action/Drama,Actors/Actresses