Having just celebrated their 90th year of publication, every issue of The New Yorker brilliantly combines the use of commentary, criticism, essays, fiction, satire, cartoons, and poetry to deliver spot on explanation of the world around us. Needless to say, their collective talents were put to the ultimate test this week after the recent Brexit vote. While it’s hard enough for UK residents to fully grasp what Thursdays vote actually means and what the next steps are, it’s even more confusing for those outside the UK to understand what this will mean worldwide.

I was stunned when I heard the news this morning,” Barry Blitt says, of Britain’s decision to leave the European Union, the subject of his cover for the upcoming issue of The New Yorker. “And really upset,” Blitt adds. “I just sent money to my kid, who’s travelling over there—if I had just waited, I’d have saved a bundle now that the pound has collapsed.

For more on Brexit, you can read Anthony Lane on the run-up, John Cassidy on what happens next, Amy Davidson on the implications for Trump, Benjamin Wallace-Wells talk ‘the day after Brexit‘, and Ed Caeser on the vote in the M.P. Jo Cox’s district. Or you can look at Kim Warp’s cartoonFrançoise Mouly has been the art editor at The New Yorker since 1993.

If you’re like me and are in need of more explanation, there’s always the genius of Andy Borowitz, who usually delivers the knockout punch with The Borowitz Report.