The KERA British Telly Tour begins with an historic walking tour of Central London!

BBC Broadcasting Room in Winston Churchilll’s Cabinet War Room. Photo: Bill Young

It’s Monday so it must be officially day one of the Transcendent Travel/KERA British Telly Tour. We began today with an historic walking tour of London that took us through the deep history of Trafalgar Square, through Parliament Square then on to Whitehall, past 10 Downing Street ending around the corner to cap the day off with a tour of the Churchill’s Cabinet War Rooms.

On the way back, it was time to check in with the newly refurbished Big Ben who, by the way, looked stunning after a 4-year renovation.

Big Ben. Photo: Bill Young

After dinner, on the way back to the hotel, we ran across perhaps the absoute best tucked away just off Trafalgar Square.

Oscar Wilde. Photo: Bill Young

Tomorrow, it’s off to a walking tour of Dorchester-on-Thames and all-thingsĀ Midsomer Murders including a stop at the Six Bells Tavern. Pictures tomorrow so stop back by!


In: Locations,Odds & Sods