Forget Conan vs. Jay…I'm Alan Partridge

All this talk the last couple of weeks. Conan O’Brien vs. Jay Leno. What’s going to happen to Jimmy Kimmel? What does this mean for Letterman? What’s NBC going to do at 10p ET after the Olympics?

images.jpgThe forgotten man in all of this…Alan Partridge. Partridge, as some of you may not be aware, had your traditional troubled Norwich childhood. Bullied at school, walked alone in the surrounding woods quite a bit practicing bird calls, when one day, it was announced in school he had won a writing contest and, as they say, the rest is history.

Partridge received his first big broadcasting break in radio as a sports presenter on BBC4. Broadcasting was now in his blood. Obviously, a huge ABBA fan, Partridge named his first foray into chat shows after one of his favorite songs of theirs and then named his son, Fernando, to solidify his affection for the Swedish group.

How can we not select Alan over Conan or Jay or Jimmy or Dave. Still going with Craig Ferguson, but next up is Alan Partridge for me. Anyone else willing to go along with me?

In: Comedy