Hey, Doctor Who fans – welcome to the 21st Century

Seems a bit ironic that there are some Doctor Who fans out there that need to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st Century. Lighten up folks. Tom Baker is not the Doctor anymore. Seems as though much of the UK is in an uproar this week after the long-awaited premiere this past weekend on the BBC according to this story in Monday’s Telegraph.

This picture shows the interior of the new-look Tardis  following a £250,000 redesign.Word’s out that both the new Doctor (Matt Smith) and his companion, Amy (Karen Gillan) were not the only targets of the “too sexy” comments and complaints. The Tardis actually got into the mix after the interior of the new time machine was revealed during Saturday’s premiere to where the Doctor commented,  “Oh, you sexy thing“. For some reason, just the idea of putting a swimming pool and a walk-in wardrobe in the traveling time machine is too much for long-time viewers of the series. Comments ranged from one viewer taking offense to the “tarty policewoman” while another felt that the entire series had been demeaned by “replacing good episode stories with slutty girls.”

Putting all this aside, the reviews have been great for the much-anticipated premiere. From what I’ve been able to see so far, we are in for a great ride courtesy of the brilliant mind of Steven Moffat as he continues to push the envelope along with a stable of some pretty incredible writers that have been assembled for this first post-David Tennant season.

Somehow, the words of Douglas Adams come to mind from The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the GalaxyDon’t Panic. The Doctor is still in a tweed jacket and a bow-tie. It all balances out in the end.

In: Action/Drama,Actors/Actresses