Rolling Stones invade Santa Monica

It may have been Santa Monica, October 29, 1964, but the scene was still decidedly British. Only eight months after The Beatles appeared on The Ed Sullivan Show, the British invasion was in full swing and continued its assault on America in what was considered the first concert film of the rock era. In what has […]

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From the genius vault — Spaced

Originally pitched as a cross between The Simpsons, The X-Files and Northern Exposure, Spaced only ran for a couple of seasons on Channel 4 in the UK, but this has to be one of the most clever British comedies series of all time. Writers and co-creators Simon Pegg (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz) and Jessica […]

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IT Crowd headed for 4th season plus more for 2010…

As a follow-up to a recent post on the in’s and out’s of getting a comedy series commissioned from the BBC, I thought it would be of interest to everyone to see just what’s on the slate for the coming year from an output standpoint. Thanks to our good friends over the The British Comedy […]

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Deep thinking with Stephen Fry

If you don’t know about this site or the folks at Big Think, you need to. It’s not only very timely, but very cool. This from the “About Us” section on their homepage. Big Think is a global forum connecting people and ideas. We do not believe that experts have all the answers. On many […]

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Bugatti Veyron 16.4 vs McLaren F1

Should you have an extra $1+ million dollars lying around, you might want to read on. If you don’t, you might read on anyway as you might just recognize the individual given the charge to compare the two $1 million dollar automobiles. Known simply as Blackadder or Mr. Bean to many of us, Rowan Atkinson […]

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Memo to John Inman: Thanks for the years of laughter

When John Inman (Mr. Humphries, Are You Being Served?) passed away on March 8, 2007, all the years past, present and future of smiles and laughter did not end. John was, and will continue to be, a very good friend to public television viewers nationwide through his comedic talents on screen. Many of us will […]

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Not the Messiah, just a very naughty boy

What do you get when you put crazy Cambridge and Oxford graduates in Royal Albert Hall? Don’t know? How about if you add in the BBC Symphony Orchestra and Chorus AND three sheep? Still no clue?  Well you get comic genius from the minds of Eric Idle and John du Prez, the masterminds behind Spamalot. […]

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More Funny Ladies….of British comedy, of course

Let’s hear it for the ladies…the Funny Ladies, that is, of British comedy.  Coming your way on PBS stations nationwide beginning this weekend is More Funny Ladies of British Comedy. Airing tonight on KERA Channel 13 in the North Texas area at 10:30pm (following the new season of Red Dwarf: Back to Earth, which airs […]

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Tennant – Piper tagged for urban thriller

Ok, I’m getting over the ‘no David Tennant or Billie Piper on Doctor Who’, but the news that they will reunite has made the separation anxiety a bit more tolerable. As reported in both the Daily Mail and on Ireland Online, not everything isn’t set in stone but, Love on the Murder Mile will also feature […]

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British comedy scattershooting….

We’ve Got Mail… Since lots of questions have come across the desk in the last several months asking for updates on favorite British comedies or dramas, what favorite Britcom actors and actresses are doing, etc, we’re going to try and to do this once a month on the first Friday of the month. If you […]

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