Happy British Pie Week!

Whether you celebrate quietly at home with just a few friends or go all out and invite the neighborhood over, it’s British Pie Week in the UK, March 1-7. Stay with me here, there is a hook to British TV in a bit. I know there are a remote few of you out there that […]

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Yes Minister, more reality than comedy

Forgot to mention one really cool thing that occurred after the BBC Showcase meeting last week. Spent some time at the House of Commons watching the Q&A session as party leaders from the Opposition Party answered questions from the ruling party Members of Parliament (MP’s). In a word, it was a fascinating afternoon. As I […]

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Just how does a British comedy get on the air?

Fresh from the 2010 BBC Showcase and back on this side of the pond, I thought it might be interesting to everyone who has asked the question at one time or another, “how in the world did that get made” or “I have a great idea for a show, what do I need to do”, […]

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The ultimate Doctor Who collectable?

If you’re looking for that hard-to-find, one-of-a-kind collectable for that ultimate Doctor Who fan in your life, tellyspotting has the answer. As reported in the South Wales Echo, the church used in the filming of the 2005 “Father’s Day” episode of Doctor Who starring Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper has been put up for sale. […]

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The 39 Steps on PBS vs. Closing ceremonies – no choice

Ok, I know the Olympic closing ceremonies are on tonight. But, there will be another closing ceremonies in 4 years, so it’s time for you to take a stand, DVR it, and then watch the newest adaptation of The 39 Steps instead. The show airs as part of the Masterpiece series tonight (Sunday) at 8:00pm CT […]

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So close, yet so far from Mr. Depp, etc.

Little did I know… The last night in London, all we had to do was turn right Thursday night out of the hotel past Picadilly Circus to London’s Leicester Square as opposed to left to go to dinner and we could have run into the middle of the Royal premiere of Tim Burton’s 3-D adventure, Alice in […]

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MI5, Hustle, Life on Mars – what's next?

Post, post BBC Showcase random thoughts…. Kudos Film & Television, the producers of MI5 (Spooks), Hustle, Life on Mars and Ashes to Ashes, have just been commissioned by BBC One to make a futuristic drama, Outcasts. Set in 2040 and created by Ben Richards, the eight-part series that follows a group of people setting up […]

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BBC Showcase – a postscript

Well, screenings are over (again, we were the last people to leave the Brighton Centre before they kicked us out), but the wind, rain and cold have a new friend, snow, in the forecast. Lots of great finds, as always, during our five days in Brighton. I say this every year, but this has to […]

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The return of Upstairs/Downstairs and more…

The return to 165 Eaton Place If Monday’s news of Sherlock coming to PBS wasn’t enough, there was the announcement yesterday that WGBH and the BBC have signed a major co-production deal to return to 165 Eaton Place with a new Upstairs/Downstairs. Jean Marsh, who won the Emmy for Best Actress in the original series will return […]

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Screenings and Sherlock in the 21st Century

Day two – more screening, more wind, rain and cold weather, then more screening. Another 10 hours of screening yesterday which means another opportunity to see some of the best television being produced today. Some highlights from the day: Hustle – from the producers of MI5 (Spooks) and Life on Mars, comes a really great […]

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