Based on H. G. Wells’ science fiction novel of the same name, the BBC Four film ‘The First Men in the Moon’ tells the story of Julius Bedford (Rory Kinnear), who as a young man meets Professor Arthur Cavor (Mark Gatiss). Together, they travel to the moon and discover a terrifying secret deep beneath its seemingly-barren surface — in 1909.
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This year’s top April Fool’s effort goes to The Telegraph with their in-depth and very timely report on the UK’s banning of April 1 jokes amid fears of panic buying over Brexit. According to the paper, jokes would be banned this year under an archaic parliamentary order, amid warnings the public can no longer tell the difference between reality and farce.
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The concept of killing off a major character, generally unheard of in American television drama, is nothing new when it comes to quality British drama series such as ‘Spooks’ or even ‘Downton Abbey.’ Unfortunately, job security at AC-12 for ‘Line of Duty’ actors is somewhat like being a kicker in American football.
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It has proven to be a very challenging couple of weeks for the Prime Minister in the House of Commons. Merely mentioning the word “Brexit” has generally been enough to send a majority of the British public, both Remain and Leave, into a state of rage. Could the aural phenomenon of ASMR help calm everyone down?
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In the West London borough of Ealing, Derek “Del Boy” Trotter of ‘Only Fools And Horses’ fame could become the latest addition to the city’s list of statues.
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Season 9 will be a challenging one for both Martin and Louisa. The Doc’s career hangs in the balance with his future as a GP under scrutiny from the General Medical Council following complaints about his rather brusque approach to patients. Louisa has resigned from her job as headmistress at the local school to pursue a new career in child counseling.
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One of the more lovable and memorable characters in ‘Victoria’ was Queen Victoria’s King Charles Spaniel, Dash, played by Tori. In an earlier role that probably was instrumental in securing her face time in ‘Victoria,’ Tori also played Dash back in the 2009 film ‘The Young Victoria’ starring Emily Blunt.
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Elba stars as a failed DJ trying to rebuild his music career while working as a nanny (or, manny) for his superstar best friend’s 11-year-old wild child daughter.
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The fifth season will see a significant format change — Instead of focusing on a single corrupt police officer, the show will focus on an organized crime group, the Balaclava Men.
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Red Nose Day has to be the single most brilliant example known to man of how an entire country demonstrates the ability to rally around a charitable cause. With Hugh Grant and Andie MacDowell looking on as loving parents, ‘One Red Nose Day and a Wedding’ gave viewers a heartwarming twist that no one saw coming.
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