• Entering his 14th year at #10, Larry welcomes 6th new PM in 8 years.

    Entering his 14th year at #10, Larry welcomes 6th new PM in 8 years.

    Larry the Cat at #10. Editorial credit: Drop of Light / Shutterstock.com Following the results of Thursday’s snap election in the UK that will see Keir Starmer become the 6th Prime Minister in the last 8 years, our beloved Larry has remained the one constant at the most famous address this side of 221B Baker […]

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  • Celebrating Towel Day 2024!

    Celebrating Towel Day 2024!

    “A towel, [The Guide] says, is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have. Not only does it have great practical value, a towel has immense psychological value” – Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Today, H2G2 fans are marking the 23rd anniversary since the all-too-early passing of creator/writer, Douglas […]

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  • Happy 98th Sir David Attenborough!

    Happy 98th Sir David Attenborough!

    Sir David Attenborough, the one-time director of BBC Programming in the 60s and 70s turned biologist, natural historian, and writer, turned 98 years young on Wednesday (8 May). Beginning with Life on Earth in 1979, Attenborough set about creating a body of work which became a benchmark of quality in wildlife film-making, and influenced a generation of […]

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  • BBC, former Python Terry Jones, discover flying penguins!

    BBC, former Python Terry Jones, discover flying penguins!

    The day BBC presenter, Terry Jones, discovered a colony of penguins which are unlike any other penguins in the world. Back in 2008, the BBC announced that camera crews filming near the Antarctic for its natural history Miracles of Evolution series had captured footage of Adélie penguins taking to the air. Film maker, writer, former […]

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  • A belated Happy National Pi(e) Day, America!

    A belated Happy National Pi(e) Day, America!

    The first pies appeared around 9500 BC in the Egyptian Neolithic period or New Stone Age. Whether you bake or cook or venture out, National Pi(e) Day is, ultimately, about the enjoyment of eating, what else, pie. One can never have enough pie be it American or British so, no matter where you are and whether you […]

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  • North Yorkshire — where old phone boxes live out their twilight years!

    North Yorkshire — where old phone boxes live out their twilight years!

    If you happen to be out and about in North Yorkshire, this might be one of those places you just might have to detour to and stop. Much like the World’s Biggest Ball of Twine (Cawker City, Kansas), the World’s Largest Catsup Bottle (Collinsville, Illinois) and, let’s not forget the six cities that claim the World’s […]

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