Douglas is Cancelled is worth keeping an eye on for a number of reasons. One being the outstanding cast that starts with Hugh Bonneville (Downton Abbey, Twenty Twelve, W1A), Karen Gillan (Doctor Who, Guardians of the Galaxy), Alex Kingston (Doctor Who, ER), Ben Miles (Coupling, Forsyte Saga, The Crown) and Nick Mohammed (Ted Lasso) and, two, the mind palaces behind the series are acclaimed writer Steven Moffat (Coupling, Sherlock, Dracula) and Sue Vertue’s Hartswood Films (Men Behaving Badly, Coupling, Sherlock, Jekyll, Dracula).
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Posted September 1, 2024 -
The final leg of our 2024 Iconic British Classics Tour of England has us cautiously entering the quiet English country village of Dorchester-on-Thames, the home of a number of filming sequences of Midsomer Murders, where the body count is in excess of 200 over the years.
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Four thought to be lost episodes of The Complete and Utter History of the British Isles, created in 1969 by soon-to-be Pythoners Michael Palin and Terry Jones, have been found by the ITV Archive team as part of a huge project to fully identify every archive asset ITV holds, “The series had been sitting in the ITV vaults […]
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After a year’s hiatus, filming for series 11 of Father Brown has begun on location in the Cotswolds with former Doctor Who star Sylvester McCoy (Doctor #7) set to join the cast in a guest role. Mark Williams will reprise his role as the crime solving cleric and Lorna Watson returning as Sister Boniface after starring in her own spin-off […]
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Fans of Antiques Roadshow and virtually any British mystery, drama or comedy will definitely want to read on. The celebrity spin-off version of Antiques Road Trip sees two antique experts paired up with celebrity guests in classic cars as they scour for antiques on a road trip around the country. With 11 series and over 200 episodes in […]
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If anyone is still in need of proof that there is a God (and a Devil, for that matter), David Tennant and Michael Sheen will return as Crawley and Aziriphale while Sir Derek Jacobi (Gladiator) will reprise his role as Metatron. Reprising their roles that span heaven, hell, and earth for series 2 are the trio from The […]
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Posted February 21, 2023 -
When you think about it, just the idea of ‘being human’ is hard enough for the average individual. Imagine how difficult it is for your average vampire, ghost and/or werewolf. Now, put them all in a flat in Wales and it becomes almost ‘humanly’ impossible to imagine. If you’re not familiar with Being Human, it’s […]
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Posted February 2, 2023 -
Red Nose Day has to be the single most brilliant example known to man and/or woman of how an entire country demonstrates the ability to rally around a charitable cause. To label Red Nose Day in the UK as a cultural phenomenon is doing it an injustice. It’s an institution. The entire country gets involved. The entire British […]
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Posted January 23, 2023 -
Long considered one of the most popular ‘Doctors’, Tom Baker turned 89 on Friday. As the Fourth Doctor, Baker portrayed the travelling Time Lord from 1974-1981 with Elisabeth Sladen as companion/journalist Sarah Jane Smith along for the ride, taking over for Jon Pertwee. His eccentric style of dress, quirky personality, trademark look of a long scarf […]
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Posted October 22, 2022 -
Normally the line forms to the left for those interested in a guest role on Death in Paradise with most in line hoping they’re witnesses and not the victim or ‘person of interest’ with the over/under usually set at around 7. Recent news out of the DIP camp reveals this year will be no different with respect to […]
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