Doctor Who + Family Guy = Doctor Stew

Counting down the days to the 23 April premiere of Doctor Who, sometimes you just run across things that are meant to be and just too good not to share. What could be better than a mind meld of the brilliance of Seth MacFarlane and the genius of Steven Moffat? It has all the ingredients […]

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Neil Gaiman explains Doctor Who in 78 words

With a resume far too lengthy ever to put into print, the great Neil Gaiman is one of the icons in the world of comic books, novels, children’s books and film & television writing, that if you have to ask who he is, well, go here. Recently at WonderCon 2011, a few words of wisdom […]

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Doctor Who: series 6 review, behind the scenes trailer and Q&A

For those keeping score at home, we now have a mere 17 days until the simultaneous U.S. / UK premiere on Saturday, 23 April. Seems like yesterday, it was only 18 days. From what I’ve seen, there’s never been a truer statement than the promise that you haven’t seen anything yet. Series 6 takes Steven […]

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Doctor Who / Torchwood news – series 6 Easter eggs and more….

Doctor Who series 6 trailer T-minus 21 days and counting. Sounds so much closer than if you say three weeks to the day. Here’s the just-released new piece of brilliance from Steven Moffat filled with lots of easter eggs (just in time for Easter). You need to look closely, but they are there, as explained […]

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Doctor Who prequel brilliance

The countdown calendar has begun. The new season of Doctor Who transmits in less than a month in both the UK and the US. Aside from the fact that U.S. viewers will not have the traditional lag time following the UK premiere on the BBC, the marks the first time the series has shot on […]

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British comedy video greatness, past and present

The Past – Alan Hawkshaw, Dave Allen at Large The great Alan Hawkshaw, who created numerous 60’s and 70’s television theme songs, playing his original composition, Blarney Stoned, which was the theme song to Dave Allen at Large at the Jazz cafe in London. The Present – Simon Pegg and Nick Frost should have done Star Wars I […]

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Red Nose Day 2011 – Doctor Who and Outnumbered greatness

Wouldn’t be Red Nose Day without a new Doctor Who. Leading up to the series 6 premiere in April, Steven Moffat has created greatness once again. This time, there’s two Amy’s, how great is that? Doctor Who “Space, part 1” Doctor Who “Time, part 2” Outnumbered meets Andy Murray Andy Murray, current #1 British tennis player […]

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