Doctor Who – the lost Craig Ferguson open

If you watched the recent all-Doctor Who-themed Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson, you are, no doubt, well aware of the problems that Craig encountered “from management” in his attempt to open the show. An 11th-hour decision, unfortunately, revealed that CBS did not secure legal clearance to the Doctor Who theme song. In watching that night, […]

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BBC/PBS DVR alert: 165 Eaton Place is back

Good news no matter what side of the pond you find yourself on as we approach the holiday season. No, not talking about the upcoming Doctor Who “A Christmas Carol” special. While I am waiting for that Steven Moffat gem, I’m really looking forward to something much more classic. Television’s most famous address, 165 Eaton Place, opens […]

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A BBC retro-Christmas 2010

To amplify the point that the Christmas/Boxing Day television schedule war between the BBC and ITV is something akin to Wrestlemania XXVI, one has to look no further than this years schedule plans for both outlets. Even though the BBC is more Hulk Hogan to ITV’s Vince McMahon, both continue to throw the kitchen sink […]

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Doctor Who Christmas 2010 trailer

It’s the day after Thanksgiving so that means only one thing….it’s time to think about Christmas, right? This is greatness. Steven Moffat at his best. Best of all, it will be shown on Christmas Day in the U.S. and won’t be the usual several month torture for American audiences that can’t see the same time […]

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Lennon Naked – More PBS must-see TV

If artists derive creative inspiration from turmoil and despair, then John Lennon must have been the most creatively inspired artist the moment his plane landed in New York City. I had several very immediate reactions after an early screening of tonight’s American television premiere of Lennon Naked as part of the 40th anniversary season of […]

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The TARDIS lands in Monument Valley

Doctor Who has left the building. Ok, not really, but the Doctor has left Utah’s Monument Valley. While probably a pretty quick trip in the TARDIS to go from Cardiff to America, the 3-day shoot in Utah that ended Friday, included Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, the Doctor’s companion, Amy, along with Alex Kingston (ER) for […]

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I'm convinced Craig Ferguson secretly wants to be 12th Doctor

On the heels of Sunday’s tellyspotting post of an early Craig Ferguson appearance on Red Dwarf, we learned from CBS Entertainment (thankfully, in time) that last night’s Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson was to be a full-blown special edition Doctor Who-themed episode with guest Matt Smith, the 11th Doctor on Doctor Who.  The show […]

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Doctor Who wish list

We know what you’d like in the TARDIS, now who would you like to see on Doctor Who? I suppose when you wake up and realize that you are Doctor Who, there might be a feeling that anything is at your disposal. Remember, it was only recently that Matt Smith, the current “Doctor”, mentioned that […]

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Mark Gatiss' The First Men in the Moon

Definitely doesn’t have the name recognition that both War of the Worlds and The Time Machine have, but H.G. Wells’ The First Men in the Moon is still, well, H.G. Wells. With only a single screen adaptation in 1964 to is credit, The First Men in the Moon is getting a great dust off by way of self-proclaimed […]

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PBS' Sherlock — 'Must see TV' — Sunday

Having just watched a stellar 4-part documentary from the BBC on the history of NASA, it seems appropriate to begin today’s post with a space reference. T-minus 36 hours and counting until the premiere of Sherlock on PBS Critics agree from coast to coast. Perhaps the best example of the phrase “…if you watch one […]

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