Downton Abbey separation anxiety yet?

Downton Abbey has come and gone. Seems like it was just yesterday that Lady Grantham came into our respective lives. It’s ok to feel a bit sad over losing a friend you just made some four weeks ago. Rest assured, she’ll be back, better than ever, before you know it. As we mentioned recently, series […]

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Downton Abbey – Dowager Countess' say the darndest things

Everyone in America seems a bit down today. Some realize that after the Super Bowl next Sunday, the American football season is over until Fall. While some have hope with the knowledge that pitchers and catchers report in a little over two weeks, others realize baseball season is, officially, still two months away. Personally, I’m […]

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More on British sitcoms: Class warfare on the horizon?

Working class sitcoms vs. Blue collar comedy. Fawlty Towers vs. Father Ted. The Telegraph vs. The Guardian. No matter what side you’re on in this rather ridiculous issue, what viewers ultimately want is good comedy. While Telegraph readers tend to lean more towards the Conservative Party and a centre-right view, the majority of the Guardian readers […]

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Scattershooting on a Monday….Downton Abbey, Judi Dench and more

More trolling around the Internets bringing you more tidbits of witty banter to amaze your friends with at parties…. Downton Abbey production begins in February We reported last week that Downton Abbey is set to go into production next month in the UK. Now that the second or four episodes has come and gone on […]

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British comedy scattershooting on a Monday….

Survived the first snowstorm of 2011, a whopping 2 inches (insert laughter from Colorado readers here) after all was said and done. Time for a periodic look around the horn at what’s happening in the world of British comedy, British television and the actors/actresses you’ve come to know and love over the years. Can’t save […]

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Downton Abbey opens its doors tonight on PBS

Finally, it’s zero hour in the US. Downton Abbey premieres tonight as part of the new season of Masterpiece on PBS. Both critically acclaimed and a huge audience hit when broadcast this past Fall on ITV, this is definitely television worth watching. According to Simon Heffer of the Telegraph, the authenticity and visual detail makes […]

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Downton Abbey v. Upstairs Downstairs – UFC, UK style

It’s been a long time since there has been a good television war of words. Far too long. One has to go all the way back to the 1980’s to remember the Dallas vs. Dynasty smackdown,  but that’s all I can think of. Enter 2011 and we have Downton Abbey vs. Upstairs Downstairs. In one corner, […]

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Setting the Downton Abbey record straight

Ever since the brilliant premiere of Downton Abbey in the UK this past Fall, the anticipation for its Sunday, 9 January, premiere on PBS’ Masterpiece series has been at an all-time high. Both critically acclaimed and a hit with audiences, the period drama returned ITV, at least for a bit, to the forefront of UK […]

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David Suchet talks 'Murder on the Orient Express'

Television just doesn’t get any better than this. Broadcast earlier this year as part of PBS’ Masterpiece Mystery series and recently seen as part of ITV’s Christmas Day schedule in the UK, maybe a suggestion for New Year’s Eve viewing if you haven’t seen as of yet? David Suchet has spent a lifetime playing Agatha […]

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