In World War II, when husbands, fathers and brothers went off to war, it was the women left behind who were charged with supporting each other to keep the community going. In Home Fires, which is concluding its final run on ITV1 in the UK and on PBS’ Masterpiece series, the women of the Great Paxford Women’s Institute help […]
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In World War II, when husbands, fathers and brothers went off to war, it was the women left behind who were charged with supporting each other to keep the community going. In Home Fires, which is concluding its current run on ITV1 in the UK and set to premiere on PBS’ Masterpiece series beginning in […]
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When it rains drama on PBS, it pours. Next up in the long line of ‘well worth your time television viewing to help you deal with the fact that there’s still 9 months until both Downton Abbey and Sherlock return’ is Home Fires, the series inspired by Julie Summers’ non-fiction book, “Jambusters”. The 6-part series is set to transmit […]
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