Dame Maggie Smith has passed away at the young age of 89. While The Dowager Countess did not know what a weekend was, there will be no weekend without her tomorrow. There are no words. RIP Dame Maggie Smith.
As the UK braces itself for Hurricane Downton that should hit landfall this Sunday, say around 9:00pm, we thought it best that since it has been approximately nine months since most everyone last visited the Crawleys we should do a bit of a recap of where we stand both upstairs and downstairs at Downton Abbey.
As Downton Abbey Nation inches ever so close to the 21 September premiere on ITV, nothing but video greatness is coming out of the ITV Press Centre to promote the forthcoming series 5 premiere.
As the United States braces for the Downton Abbey arrival of Shirley MacLaine in the premiere of series 3 (January 6, 2013 on PBS’ aptly named Masterpiece), word from the UK on Friday was that Christmas was to come early to all around the planet. Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus! ITV has given […]