R.I.P. Dame Maggie Smith

Dame Maggie Smith has passed away at the young age of 89. While The Dowager Countess did not know what a weekend was, there will be no weekend without her tomorrow. There are no words. RIP Dame Maggie Smith.

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Your 'Downton Abbey' S4 re-cap just in time for Sunday!

As the UK braces itself for Hurricane Downton that should hit landfall this Sunday, say around 9:00pm, we thought it best that since it has been approximately nine months since most everyone last visited the Crawleys we should do a bit of a recap of where we stand both upstairs and downstairs at Downton Abbey.

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It's Official: Downton Abbey renewed for 4th series!

As the United States braces for the Downton Abbey arrival of Shirley MacLaine in the premiere of series 3 (January 6, 2013 on PBS’ aptly named Masterpiece), word from the UK on Friday was that Christmas was to come early to all around the planet. Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus! ITV has given […]

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