Doctor Who 'gold' from College Humor

Hard to believe, but there are a few lost souls out there that have not seen or heard of the greatness of Doctor Who. Whether you are part of that small group that, after 48+ years, are still not completely convinced that the series will last and have yet to jump on the TARDIS bandwagon, or you’ve recognized genius from the beginning, the creative minds over at College Humor have put together a little primer to get you ready for the Fall 2012 return of ‘The Doctor’ and, ultimately….the 50th anniversary on 11/23/13.

If you haven’t seen much of the Matt Smith era, it does contain spoilers but it’s well worth the time spent viewing. Beginning with the still sad departure of David Tennant, the Tenth Doctor, all the important plot points from series 5 & 6 are crammed into a genius 4:15 for your viewing pleasure.

Thanks to for uncovering this initially and, unknowingly, pointing me in the right direction to discover this bit of genius to share.


In: Action/Drama,Actors/Actresses