Your 'Downton Abbey' S4 re-cap just in time for Sunday!

As the UK braces itself for Hurricane Downton that should hit landfall this Sunday, say around 9:00pm, we thought it best that since it has been approximately nine months since most everyone last visited the Crawleys we should do a bit of a recap of where we stand both upstairs and downstairs at Downton Abbey. Yes, Mary is STILL deciding on a suitable suitor, Lady Edith is understandably STILL depressed, Mrs. Hughes and Mr. Carson have FINALLY hooked up, the walls are beginning to close in on Bates and Lady Rose didn’t disappoint by getting tangled up in a scandal surrounding the Prince of Wales. And, who can forget Lady Edith’s sudden change of heart after returning from Europe or Lady Mary destroying evidence? Now, wouldn’t you say you need a bit of a refresher before Sunday? For a full written re-cap, happy reading.

Unless you are thinking of binge viewing series 4 this weekend in preparation for Sunday’s premiere, I think you’re all caught up. Now you can sit back and watch as the suitors line up for Lady Mary, I mean the Dowager Countess. Hopefully, it’s someone who knows what a weekend is…

In: Drama