A Royal Wedding – British comedy style

As the world inches closer and closer to the big event on Friday, 29 April, now’s your chance to vote for your favorite British comedy proposal / nuptials. Who can forget David Horton’s down on one knee, million dollar, proposal put forth to the Vicar? I know it didn’t result in them tying the knot, but it hast ot be included simply due to Owen’s response. Maybe the visual of the Teletubbies crashing Hugo and Alice’s special day will earn your vote. Or, the improbable nuptials of Mrs. Slocombe and Mr. Tomiades. How about Tom and Diana dancing around the issue at Bayview Retirement Village? Could the darkhorse be Edmund Blackadder and Bob?

As you think about your vote, don’t forget Lionel and Jean, Geraldine and Harry or Audrey and Richard DeVere. So many choices, so little time….

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In: Actors/Actresses,Comedy