• Cupid targets Dibley for favorite British comedy couple

    Cupid targets Dibley for favorite British comedy couple

    Created by Richard Curtis, the Vicar of Dibley has probably the best collection of an ensemble cast as there ever was in a British comedy. Starting with Geraldine and David Horton, right down the Parish Council with Owen, Jim, Frank and Letitia, the series is genius. Up next in our quest for favorite British comedy […]

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  • Basil & Sybil – Fawlty couple or all-time favorite?

    Basil & Sybil – Fawlty couple or all-time favorite?

    We continue our search for everyone’s favorite British comedy couple of all-time. Thanks to everyone for the suggestions, including the ones that push the boundaries of “comedy”. We’ll definitely find a way to get them all on the ballot for voting on February 13. Up next… Couple #4 – Fawlty Towers In my book, favorite […]

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  • The Good Life – Jerry & Margo, couple #3

    The Good Life – Jerry & Margo, couple #3

    Couple #3 – Jerry & Margo Ledbetter One immediately thinks of Tom and Barbara when remembering The Good Neighbors (The Good Life in the UK). However, the most underrated couple in British comedy series, Jerry and Margo Ledbetter, took on a much greater role after the first episode. If you think back to that first […]

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  • Up next, couple #2 – Tom and Barbara Good

    Up next, couple #2 – Tom and Barbara Good

    We’re off to a great start, lots of conversation after only one day! Should it be Audrey & Richard, what about Basil & Sybil, maybe the “non-couple” of Edmund Blackadder and Baldrick. Lots of things to ponder over the next couple of weeks as you think back on a lifetime of watching British comedy where ever […]

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  • Who's your favorite British comedy couple of all-time?

    Who's your favorite British comedy couple of all-time?

    While we’re all still in the Valentines Day mood, I got to thinking that most, if not all of our collective favorite British comedy series center around couples. Each week viewers have been treated to the ups, downs, challenges, conflicts, tensions and situations where we have either wondered how on earth they got together in […]

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  • Valentine's shopping list – British comedy edition

    Valentine's shopping list – British comedy edition

    That time of year again. Valentine’s Day rolling around and you aren’t sure what to get beyond the flowers/dinner option. You’re kicking yourself because Eddie Izzard has come and gone so tickets to see him are out. That’s where we come in. Based on no scientific research other than these are the sets that I […]

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  • Red Dwarf Suite by the Lady Manners School Orchestra

    Red Dwarf Suite by the Lady Manners School Orchestra

    Full disclosure. Had this been part of the playlist when I was in school, I may have been interested in orchestra. Ok, not really, but it’s still pretty cool. Founded in 1636, the Lady Manners School is an English secondary school in Bakewell, Derbyshire, UK. Still no news on a potential production timeline for a […]

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  • FOW gather to re-create AYBS and share memories

    FOW gather to re-create AYBS and share memories

    A lot of goings on recently at Grace Brothers Department Store. Friends and colleagues of the late Wendy Richard gathered this past week to share behind-the-scenes stories, fond memories and a little bit of laughter. While a majority of the new “cast” came from Wendy’s days on Eastenders, Nicholas Smith returned in his role as Mr. […]

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  • The Black Knight is so complex

    The Black Knight is so complex

    For those of you that blindly sided with King Arthur as he fought the Black Knight during his quest for the Holy Grail.  Well, back stories tell so much. Need I say anything else today?

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