• 10 British things about….(insert U.S. city here)

    Besides watching great British telly, there are lots of things to do “British” from Seattle, Washington to Portland, Maine and all stops in-between. Whether you’re in North Texas or find yourself heading out on holiday this Summer, you might just want a Full English Breakfast in San Francisco or hop aboard a London double-decker in Phoenix for a pub crawl in the desert.

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  • Is this Heaven? No, it's Humphry Slocombe!

    While they didn’t say ‘are you being served?’ when I finally hit the front of the line yesterday at Humphry Slocombe in San Francisco’s Ferry Building, the evidence as to the influence on owner’s Jake Godby and Sean Vahey’s craft is clear.

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  • 'Last Night of the Pythons' to hit the cinema LIVE on July 20

    Given that it took about 90 seconds to officially become a sellout at London’s O2 arena, I’m guessing that you were unable to secure tickets to the July 20 performance of The Last Night of Monty Pythons some months back. If so, fear not. Sadly, on July 21, the greatest and most influential comedy troupe […]

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  • Take a tour of the British Isles in accents

    From a drama standpoint, have you ever wondered as you were watching the likes of MI-5, Doc Martin, Scott & Bailey, New Tricks, Case Histories, Call the Midwife, Father Brown or Eastenders how where the show is set will dictate the accents used in the show? How about from a comedy standpoint with Last of […]

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  • TARDIS' discovered on the streets of Glasgow

    In 1963, when Doctor Who began, hundreds of blue police phone boxes were scattered all over the UK. They served a very important purpose in the days before the Internet and smartphones (I know, just after the Ice Age). Inside these iconic blue boxes were actual telephones in which passers-by could alert the police if […]

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  • What happened when the 'Trollied' set met 'Top Gear'?

    Normally, when the guys from Top Gear get issued a challenge, something gets destroyed. Series 21 of the long-running motoring show is no exception. In episode one, early last month, series hosts Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May drive their 1980’s hatchbacks around a specially designed course in the aisles of a supermarket, to […]

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  • Tellyspotting heads to Liverpool for 2014 BBC Showcase

    How appropriate given that 2014 is the 50th anniversary of the first Beatles appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show that, as you read this, Tellyspotting will be somewhere over New York City headed to Liverpool for the 2014 BBC Showcase. You might remember that this is annual gathering of television programming executives from around the […]

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  • Touring the set of 'Mr. Selfridge'

    With PBS set to re-open the doors of Mr. Selfridge in a matter of weeks (March 30 at 9pET/8pCT, to be exact), a lot was made leading up to the 2013 premiere with regards to the set that was constructed for the filming of the interior of Selfridges. For obvious reasons, the real Selfridges couldn’t […]

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  • With Sherlock over, Benedict Cumberbatch leaves Baker Street for Sesame Street

    While this won’t soften the blow in anyone’s personal mind palace that Sherlock is, most likely, done for what could be another 1-2 years, this will bring a smile to Benedict Cumberbatch fans across the land. The brilliant ‘Benedict Sherlock’ or ‘Benedict Counterbatch’ headed over to the second most famous address in the world, Sesame […]

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  • International Silly Walks Day – A January 7 post mortem

    Blame the Monty Python troupe if you will, but we could all do with a bit more preposterous prancing in our daily routine. How could we have let this pass by without even so much as a mention leading up to such silliness. I guess we should get some what of a pass given that […]

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