• BBC Showcase – a postscript

    BBC Showcase – a postscript

    Well, screenings are over (again, we were the last people to leave the Brighton Centre before they kicked us out), but the wind, rain and cold have a new friend, snow, in the forecast. Lots of great finds, as always, during our five days in Brighton. I say this every year, but this has to […]

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  • The return of Upstairs/Downstairs and more…

    The return of Upstairs/Downstairs and more…

    The return to 165 Eaton Place If Monday’s news of Sherlock coming to PBS wasn’t enough, there was the announcement yesterday that WGBH and the BBC have signed a major co-production deal to return to 165 Eaton Place with a new Upstairs/Downstairs. Jean Marsh, who won the Emmy for Best Actress in the original series will return […]

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  • Screenings and Sherlock in the 21st Century

    Screenings and Sherlock in the 21st Century

    Day two – more screening, more wind, rain and cold weather, then more screening. Another 10 hours of screening yesterday which means another opportunity to see some of the best television being produced today. Some highlights from the day: Hustle – from the producers of MI5 (Spooks) and Life on Mars, comes a really great […]

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  • BBC Showcase: British comedy, the new Doctor and more

    BBC Showcase: British comedy, the new Doctor and more

    Day one at BBC Showcase has come and gone, but the weather remains in true “Brighton in Winter” fashion. Saw some great programs yesterday including several British comedy series starring a number of familiar faces. One being a series called Big Top, a series about a traveling circus, stars Amanda Holden (Britain’s Got Talent), Tony Robinson […]

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  • BBC Showcase – Brighton, UK

    BBC Showcase – Brighton, UK

    Greetings from BBC Showcase, Day one As you were, hopefully, sleeping the night away this morning, tellyspotting was arriving at the train station in Brighton, England ready to attend the 2010 BBC Showcase on your behalf. What is BBC Showcase, you may be asking yourself? In simple terms, it’s an incredible meeting put on by […]

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  • Lennon Naked

    Lennon Naked

    We reported (and, admittedly, questioned) awhile back on the news that Christopher Eccleston (the Ninth Doctor) was to play John Lennon in an upcoming feature for BBC4 called Lennon Naked. Haven’t seen any advance trailers as of yet, but if it’s anything like the just released photo of Eccleston as Lennon, I take back everything […]

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  • Can a show jump the shark before it premieres?

    Can a show jump the shark before it premieres?

    The term “jumping the shark” has become synonymous with a point in the life of a television program or series where the plot spins off into a totally ridiculous scenario. It could be something as simple as having a wedding between two unlikely characters, having the main character miraculously kidnapped by their previously unknown evil […]

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  • Monty Python inadvertently causes Pub evacuation

    Monty Python inadvertently causes Pub evacuation

    Ok, I know this happened some time back, but it’s just too good to let go by. Seems as though a pub is East London was evacuated in early 2009 and a bomb disposal unit was called in to investigate a suspicious looking object in the corner of the pub. As reported in the London […]

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  • Top Ten Brit films of all time, part 2

    Top Ten Brit films of all time, part 2

    Must have been spot on with #6-10. No one has questioned anything yet. Maybe you’re waiting for #1-5 before letting me have it. Here goes: #5 – Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels – this London underground film revolves around a high stakes card that, not surprisingly, goes wrong leaving the boys with a week […]

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