• Top Ten Brit films of all time, part 1

    Top Ten Brit films of all time, part 1

    Seeing The Third Man on TCM last night starting me thinking about my all-time favorite “Brit” film. Not sure what physically constitutes a British film. Is it one produced at a UK studio, one that has an all-Brit cast, or one set in the UK? Whatever it is, here’s what I came up with for […]

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  • Happy 75th, Dame Dench

    Happy 75th, Dame Dench

    I don’t know about you, but there’s something about Dame Judi Dench turning 75 on Wednesday, December 9 and, simultaneously, the same week, being asked to appear in an upcoming Black Eyed Peas video that’s pretty darn cool. Seems as though after striking up a close friendship with singer Fergie during the filming of the […]

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  • I really want to get this, but just can't…

    I really want to get this, but just can't…

    Full disclosure, up front. Have never seen a cricket match in person. Sat in Gatwick Airport in London awhile back for a 7-hour layover and I really, really tried to hang at the sports pub and grasp the concept of cricket. Even with a local on each side of me trying to talk me through […]

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  • The Ninth Doctor a Beatle?

    The Ninth Doctor a Beatle?

    Ok, having difficulty with this one. Am reading in the Guardian about BBC4 project. Former Doctor Who star, Christopher Eccleston, has been tagged to star in Lennon Naked, a film for the Beeb that looks at John Lennon’s life from 1967-1971. To me, Eccleston never seemed to warm to the idea of being the Ninth […]

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  • Happy Thanksgiving from Tellyspotting!

    Happy Thanksgiving from Tellyspotting!

    Well, it’s not British, but it’s a classic and it has something to do with turkey. If anyone can find the entire clip of this, I’d love to have it. For those of you that remember this, enjoy! For those of you that don’t, you need to find it. That said, we hope everyone has […]

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  • Happy 46th, Doctor Who

    Happy 46th, Doctor Who

    With two hearts, a respiratory bypass system that allows you to go without air, an internal body temperature of 60 degrees and the ability to enter a self-induced coma-like state until your body heals from any mortal injury, it’s not wonder you look as good as you do. You don’t look a day over 400! […]

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  • Next time you think about asking for salt….think again.

    Next time you think about asking for salt….think again.

    The holidays usually signal two things. First, families getting together and, second, some great football bowl games. Ok, three things. Food. And lots of it. Whether you spend weeks getting that perfect dinner menu together from books or magazines you haven’t opened all year or you go out to eat, one thing is clear: there […]

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  • Tellyspotting's Book of Little Known Facts for the holidays

    Tellyspotting's Book of Little Known Facts for the holidays

    As we approach the holiday season, chances are you could find yourself grasping for that elusive conversation starter that we all desperately seek at one time or another. What better way to both start a conversation and immediately let it be known that you are intelligent AND have a sense of humor than to lob […]

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  • Doh! Weren't you in….

    Doh! Weren't you in….

    That’s the question that viewers often ask when watching British comedy on public television. It’s not unusual to see your favorite British comedy actor or actress step out of the roles that we have become friends with over the years and stretch themselvesĀ using their formal training in period drama, contemporary drama, hit movies, American “sitcoms” […]

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