Dawn French may choose next Jesus Christ for 'Superstar'

It was last February when ITV1 announced that they were going to team up with Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber to look for a rock star who will go on to sing the role of Jesus in the upcoming arena tour of the Tim Rice,Andrew Lloyd Webber hit, Jesus Christ Superstar. Following up on his past […]

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Downton Abbey vs. Andrew Lloyd Webber, round 1

Given the worldwide Downton Abbey fever that continues to engulf the U.S., this story was just to good to pass up when I ran across it recently. So, with upfront apologies as to the possibility that this might be a really old story that is past its prime, as it was first reported back in […]

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Final Summer Book Club assignment

Temps are hitting mid-90’s so Summer’s at an end soon. Time for your last Summer/Fall Book Club assignment from a favorite in the British comedy world. First up was The Gun Seller by Hugh Laurie, followed by The Hippopotamus by Stephen Fry. This week another great read by someone you may or may not know […]

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