Scattershooting and more drama from BBC Showcase 2012

Even though it’s all things BBC all the time this week, there is still quite a bit of ‘industry shop talk’ going on in an around the convention centre and the hotel. Couple of things we’ve been able to pick up this week while taking a quick break from screening that seem to be making […]

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John Leguizamo cast as American 'Del Boy'

Over the last several years, American audiences have suffered endlessly through remakes of Coupling, Life on Mars and Prime Suspect while being subjected to continued rumors of remakes of British greatness such as MI-5, IT Crowd and Doctor Who. As we reported with sadness recently, the most popular British situation comedy of all-time, Only Fools […]

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Doctor Who – Star Trek crossover closer to reality?

Not since the photo of the Doctor Who/Wizard of Oz mash-up with the somebody dropped a TARDIS on my sister graphic has ‘crossover’ talk hit an all-time high in the world of geek. Before a flood of comments come my way, I’m using the ‘geek’ as a good thing and in the most complimentary of […]

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Doctor Who's less than encouraging 1963 beginning

Judging from the original review of the first two broadcasts of Doctor Who, the word of a telly critics in the early 60’s was not taken as gospel, thankfully. Doctor Who will celebrate its 50th anniversary in 2013 despited the fact that Mary Crozier, telly reviewer for The Guardian was less than impressed when the […]

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Doctor Who 1963-2011 in under 10 minutes

As a potential lead-up to the upcoming 50th anniversary of Doctor Who, BabelColour has painstakingly compressed almost five decades of Traveling TIme Lord history into a brilliant 10-minute video that catalogs virtually every Doctor Who adventure from ‘An Unearthly Child’ in 1963 right up to the 2011 Christmas special, ‘The Doctor, The Widow and the […]

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Fancy a TARDIS Cat Playhouse for that special someone?

Another one of those “too good to pass up” finds that one feels obligated to share. A quick thanks goes out to Bruce Gunn and The Mary Sue for the original find and, ultimately, pointing us in the right direction to dig a bit deeper into this very special project. As the story goes, back […]

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Is Sophia Myles the new companion for Doctor Who?

As we all know, one of the top trending hash tags on Twitter every so often seems to center around either who will be the Doctor’s new companion or the obvious most popular topic to trend being who the next Traveling Time Lord will be. Remembering that current Doctor Who show runner, Steven Moffat, is […]

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Was that the TARDIS in Sherlock 2?

Given that UK telly watchers have had the great good fortune to see the entire second series of, what I will always and forever refer to as, the brilliance of Sherlock, it’s up to the American television audience to verify the following when the series premieres Sunday, May 6 on PBS as part of the […]

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A little post-Sherlock/Downton Abbey scattershooting

Now that UK audiences are 2/3rd through series 2 of Sherlock and the long Downton Abbey series 2 wait is over for U.S. audiences time to peruse the Internets for some stories that may have been missed while both sides of the pond had stayed away from any potential spoiler alerts this week…. Voldemort the […]

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