Posted November 6, 2011 -
As I have consistently said, Bill Nighy could read the phone book and I’d be a happy telly watcher. PBS’ Masterpiece series continues to outdo itself week after week. This past year alone has seen numerous gems such as Downton Abbey, Upstairs Downstairs, Sherlock, Zen and, most recently, Case Histories which starred Jason Isaacs. Tonight’s presentation, Page […]
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Posted November 5, 2011 -
Even though this is not unexpected news, conventional wisdom usually dictates that you withhold any celebratory emotions until you actually read the news in print. That said, you can celebrate away as, according to reports, the news came this past Thursday from ITV in the UK that Downton Abbey, the audience mega-hit seen on ITV […]
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Posted November 3, 2011 -
Following Sundays conclusion of the PBS Masterpiece presentation of the BBC’s Case Histories, starring Jason Isaacs, interest has continued to grow by the hour in the intriguing musical soundtrack. Without question, in the over 40+ years of Masterpiece, there has never been more interest in a series soundtrack than in Kate Atkinson‘s creation, Jackson Brodie, the ex-cop from […]
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Posted October 16, 2011 -
There’s a new sheriff in the PBS Masterpiece town. Actually, depending on who you talk to, there’s either a maverick ex-cop or a private investigator in town. In either case, he goes by the name of Jackson Brodie and is played brilliantly by Jason Isaacs. Isaacs, who’s most recent gig was as Lucius Malfoy in […]
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Posted October 13, 2011 -
As day one of the 2011 BBC Syndication Showcase in New Orleans has come and gone, I can honestly say to everyone that, as viewers of your local PBS station, you are in for a treat given what we saw today. This is the third annual showcase whereby BBC Worldwide Americas gathers PBS station programmers […]
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Posted October 12, 2011 -
It’s that time of year again, where Tellyspotting, along with 100+ colleagues from PBS stations around the country, descend upon New Orleans to work very, very hard on your behalf. Ordinarily, as television programmer’s, we like to say that our main function in life is to watch bad television so you don’t have to. However, […]
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Posted October 10, 2011 -
With a mere 91 days and a few hours to go before the PBS Masterpiece premiere of Downton Abbey 2, the UK reached the mid-point of the critically-acclaimed second series last night. Joanne Froggatt, who plays the clever and resourceful Anna, the highest ranking of the lower female servants, might have had a few additional inhabitants […]
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Ever since Downton Abbey premiered on ITV1 in the UK and PBS in the States, some of the most interesting pub talk centered on the question of ‘what character do you identify with more’, those who occupy the upstairs or the downstairs of Downton Abbey? While many fashioned themselves as a closet Dowager Countess or […]
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As the UK inches towards the conclusion of the highly-anticipated and delivering on every moment second series of Downton Abbey, the States are still in the highly-anticipating mode as the second set is not scheduled to premiere until Sunday, January 8, 2012 as part of PBS’ Masterpiece series. Whether you are in the ever-patiently waiting […]
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Ok, not really, but it does make good copy for those that follow both Doctor Who and Upstairs Downstairs, doesn’t it? Attention: Doctor Who final episode spoiler alert! Do not read on if you haven’t seen last episode of Doctor Who. Even if you haven’t seen it, the episode was, after all, titled, The Wedding of […]
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