Unfortunately, the whole of the UK seems to be reeling this week with the news that the second series of Sherlock will now not broadcast until early 2012. Well, as a card-carrying member of the U.S. Sherlock support group, welcome. As most of you now know, Sherlock 2 will not air in the U.S. until […]
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Torchwood —> Doctor Who = Yes Doctor Who —> Torchwood = No We’ve seen and heard a lot in recent weeks from various particulars involved in both series that there’s a good possibility of seeing Torchwood’s Captain Jack Harkness in an upcoming Doctor Who episode. Now, in a recent interview, Doctor Who series exec, Steven […]
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As with any “teaser” clip, no matter the length, it’s always been a fine line between maddening and anticipation. An all-too-short clip that I screened early Thursday, was to give millions of extraordinarily patient fans a first glimpse at what’s next for both the residents and servants of Downton Abbey. At only :12 seconds, it […]
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You’ve just written one of the most successful drama series in the history of ITV in the critically-acclaimed, award-winning, Downton Abbey. You’ve had a second season commissioned almost instantly with shooting completed and a Fall 2011 target date sent for UK transmission (January 8, 2012 premiere set in the U.S. on PBS stations nationwide in […]
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Julian Fellowes….Titanic….can’t wait What’s next from the mind of Julian Fellowes (Gosford Park, Downton Abbey) you might ask? Titanic, what else. Thankfully, not quite a spin-off in the American sense of the word (i.e. The Cleveland Show from The Simpsons or Joey from Friends or The Jeffersons from All in the Family) but there is […]
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For those still suffering from post-Downton Abbey separation anxiety, you can rest easier tonight knowing that production filming has begun on the second set of the ITV mega-hit series, which is, again, scripted by series creator, Julian Fellowes. Don’t just take my word for it. This comes from the Earl of Grantham, himself, portrayed brilliantly […]
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Posted February 1, 2011 -
Downton Abbey has come and gone. Seems like it was just yesterday that Lady Grantham came into our respective lives. It’s ok to feel a bit sad over losing a friend you just made some four weeks ago. Rest assured, she’ll be back, better than ever, before you know it. As we mentioned recently, series […]
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It’s been a long time since there has been a good television war of words. Far too long. One has to go all the way back to the 1980’s to remember the Dallas vs. Dynasty smackdown, but that’s all I can think of. Enter 2011 and we have Downton Abbey vs. Upstairs Downstairs. In one corner, […]
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Posted October 19, 2010 -
All I need to do is mention Downton Abbey upfront and fans of British television on both sides of the pond will know of what I speak. Written and created by Julian Fellowes, Oscar-winning writer of Gosford Park and star of Monarch of the Glen, and starring the likes of Dame Maggie Smith, Hugh Bonneville and […]
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