Bugatti Veyron 16.4 vs McLaren F1

Should you have an extra $1+ million dollars lying around, you might want to read on. If you don’t, you might read on anyway as you might just recognize the individual given the charge to compare the two $1 million dollar automobiles. Known simply as Blackadder or Mr. Bean to many of us, Rowan Atkinson […]

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A cunning plan to be the favorite British comedy couple?

We mark the end of our first week of British comedy couple profiles with a somewhat ‘unconventional’ couple. With Hugo and Alice, you had two people that didn’t even know they were a couple. With Edmund Blackadder and Baldrick, you have two people that have been together for 432 years from the British monarchy to […]

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Happy 55 – Rowan Atkinson

Rowan Atkinson turns 55 today. From this end, all we can do is wish him a Happy Birthday. He’s given us the gift of laughter over the years beginning with Not the Nine O’Clock News, then Blackadder, Mr. Bean and, finally, The Thin Blue Line. Stops along the way for specials like Bernard and the […]

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A Mr. Bean wedding

For a number of reasons, New Year’s Eve always seems to pop up as a possible wedding date for those planning a wedding. Not as much as June, but fairly significant. So, if you find yourself in a wedding, attending a wedding or having a wedding on New Year’s Eve 2009, one word of advice. […]

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Christmas at Gasforth Police Station

Next up in our holiday celebration, Britcom style, it’s Christmas Eve at Gasforth Police Station where ‘yuletide spirit’ overflows. Constable Goody (James Dreyfuss) is beside himself when Inspector Fowler (Rowan Atkinson) gives him the news of a Christmas tree to be set up in the reception area.

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It's holiday time w/ Ebenezer Blackadder

In the days leading up to Christmas, we’ll review some classic scenes from your favorite Britcoms as they tackle the holiday season as only the British can. First up from the minds of Richard Curtis and Ben Elton: Blackadder’s Christmas Carol Nothing screams the holidays more than checking in with Ebenezer Blackadder. Or, perhaps, Robbie […]

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Not the Nine O'Clock News – Daily Show of the 70's?

From the British comedy vault Prior to the brilliance of Blackadder and Mr. Bean, Rowan Atkinson spent three years collaborating with Mel Smith and Griff Rhys Jones on Not the Nine O’Clock News, a sketch comedy show that premiered in the late ’70s. It was originally conceived as an “alternative” and aired at the same […]

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Happy Thanksgiving from Tellyspotting!

Well, it’s not British, but it’s a classic and it has something to do with turkey. If anyone can find the entire clip of this, I’d love to have it. For those of you that remember this, enjoy! For those of you that don’t, you need to find it. That said, we hope everyone has […]

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Rupert Pupkin is no Rowan Atkinson

Rowan Atkinson as Carl Sagan on comedy If you are ever posed the question anywhere, anytime, as to what might Rowan Atkinson know about visual humor, let me quickly answer for you and simply say, Rowan Atkinson is the King of Comedy. In this Cosmos-style look at comedy, Rowan discusses what makes visual humor funny. Rowan […]

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Do NOT try this at home – Mr. Bean is a professional

Our search for the perfect entree recipe for the holidays, while initially a daunting task, was actually quite simple. Who can argue against showcasing an individual known far and wide for his culinary daringness? And what would the holidays be without turkey with all the trimmings, right? Unfortunately, there is not recipe here. Merely a […]

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